12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

February 18, 2020 – Minutes



Lori Reynolds (Principal)

Alison Holbrook

Cindy Bronson (Teacher)

Tess Hortin

Isaiah Folau (Teacher)

Tricia Leininger


Jenni Morgan (Vice Chair)


  • Meeting called to order at 4:05
  • January Meeting Minutes
    • Were approved week of 1/12/20

*Targeted Support and Instruction Status

  • Reynolds briefed the council on the state’s report card of Sprucewood as it stands at the conclusion of the 2018/19 school year
    • All information was derived from the site: https://utahschoolgrades.schools.utah.gov/
    • Reynolds spoke to specific measures on the state school report card, and how the Achievement and Growth measures are derived
      • In terms of Growth, and specifically the Growth of the Lowest 25%, and even more specifically, Students with IEPs (of any sort), Sprucewood has been ranked and identified by the state as being a Targeted Support and Instruction (TSI) school
    • In essence, scores of students with disabilities are stagnant year over year
    • In terms of Achievement, Sprucewood has achieved a “commendable” status
    • Proficiency growth is strong overall
    • The school, along with the district, must develop an improvement plan and have four years to exit TSI status
    • Should Sprucewood meet the appropriate measure for two years, we’ll be exited
    • Reynolds has presented the plan to the Building Leadership Team and also shared the plan with the council
      • Leininger and J. Morgan raised a question of how implementing a certain particular of the plan (a before school program) may unnecessarily add to the rigidity and structure of what is a long and full school day
      • The council agreed that this was a valid concern, appropriately derived from this topic, but ought to be part of a different discussion
      • Holbrook raised a question of how specific students will be invited and how to ensure that the appropriate students are being invited and will actually attend
      • Morgan proposed a small outreach effort to see, of those specific students, which parents would be interested and able to bring their students to school early for such a program
      • Reynolds agreed and said that a survey would be developed and distributed
      • An electronic survey would be developed and sent by the March meeting so that the council can approve the plan
  • Targeted School Support Plan (previously CSIP)
    • As it stands, L. Reynolds believes that the FTE number will be the same for the upcoming 2020/21 school year and anticipates needing to use the money in the same way as the last school year: using the bulk of it to pay for a .5 FTE salary
    • Leininger motioned to approve the plan (for extended use of TSSP funds in the same way), seconded by A. Holbrook, vote was unanimous in approval
      • We’ll revisit the FTE numbers and plan again in March
      • Reynolds spoke of how Land Trust funds have been used for reading interventionists and anticipates needing to use the funds in the same way
      • The council agreed to revisit Land Trust funds and numbers again in March
  • Community Building
    • Morgan proposed the idea of bringing in a professional, Trigena Halley, of PEAK Performance to be the professional development source for next year 2020/21
      • Reynolds is doing a preliminary meeting with Trigena Halley and agreed to serve as a screener before potentially bringing her in for the March SCC meeting

Meeting adjourned 5:15 to meet again March 9th, 2020