12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

April 3, 2020 – Minutes



Lori Reynolds (Principal)

Jason Dyer (Chair)

Cindy Bronson (Teacher)

Tess Hortin

Isaiah Folau (Teacher)

Tricia Leininger


Jenni Morgan (Vice Chair)

**Meeting was held virtually due to COVID-19 outbreak and statewide school closure


  • Meeting called to order at 3:30pm
  • Reynolds opened the meeting asking if the members of the council had a chance to review the proposed budget. The several major items discussed were:
  • 4th Grade Support
    • Reynolds noted and the council discussed the designation of nearly half of the bulk of TSSP funds to go towards two aides to work in the 4th grade, for 28 hours per week
    • The council briefly discussed what role the aides will have in the classroom
      • It was noted that they need and will receive training on best instructional practices as they support in the classroom
  • Building Leadership Team
    • Reynolds outlined what funds designated towards BLT are used for
      • Largely to pay for substitutes so that the BLT team can meet several times during the year for various purposes
    • Technology
      • In the upgrade of technology, the other bulk half of TSSP funds are to go towards Chromebook carts which will be pushed into classrooms in the younger grades which now only use iPads
      • Morgan motioned to pass TSSP budget as outlined
      • Motion was seconded and approved unanimously in affirmation
      • Morgan motioned to pass the Land Trust budget as amended from the previous meeting on 3/20/20
      • Motion was seconded and approved unanimously in affirmation
      • Reynolds reminded the council to return their electronic signature via email to be attached to the budgets
      • Leninger raised the question of the movement of the cell tower as noted earlier in the year
      • Reynolds said she hadn’t heard as of late but she believes it is going to be moved. This is news of only the last few weeks.

Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm