12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

October 16, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

October 16, 2023




Cathy Schino (Principal)

Jen Bradford (Vice-Chair)

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher)

Mindy Cupello (Chairperson)

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Alicia Lemus

Dustin Ondrasek


Members Absent: Dustin Ondrasek, Jason Dyer, Jen Dean

  • Call to Order – Mindy called to order at 4:07pm
  1. Approve last month’s minutes https://sprucewood.canyonsdistrict.org/scc-docs/september-25-2023-minutes-draft/

1st motion to approve – Jen Bradford 

2nd motion to approve – Alex Horwood 

  1. Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data, & expenditures

2023-2024 TSSP

Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

57% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2023 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.   A strategy for improvement is implementing standards based planning that incorporates common routines during daily read aloud, main selection, independent reading and writing learning opportunities.  



By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 ELA instructional time by implementing common routines during foundations, read aloud, main selections, independent reading, and writing as per Sprucewood’s Literacy Block document

3) Teachers will make tier 2 skill-based groupings based on timely data (6-8 week fluid intervention plans)

4) Provide professional development focused on common writing routines (deconstructing prompts, writing process & universal scaffolds)

5) Hire and train five Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark ($51,384.45)


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.



Land Trust=$51,384.45 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries

Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 63% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2023 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   A strategy for improvement is implementing standards based planning that incorporates common routines during six daily elements of math instruction: 1)number talks, 2)review, 3)vocabulary, 4)teacher clarity, 5)concept/skill development, and 6)skill based instruction (SBI).



By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 and tier 2 math instructional time by implementing common routines during number talks, review, vocabulary, teacher clarity, and concept/skill development, and SBI as per Sprucewood’s Math Block document

3) Provide professional development focused on the systematic vocabulary routine 

4) Hire and train three Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark ($45,726.84)



All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.



TSSA projection(to be split between math and school climate goals):  $70,726.84

  • $45,726.84  will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries

School Climate Goal


Analysis Summary

27% of students are demonstrating internalizing behaviors according to 2023 Winter SRSS-IE data.  A strategy for improvement is to focus on using feedback best practices in all areas of the building to provide students with timely and specific feedback when they are demonstrating the desired behavior or skill.  



By May 2024, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback, and follow up 85% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior/skill as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.


Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on feedback and feedback sequences

2) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching any content lesson of choice multiple times per year. 

3)  Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full time ($20,000)

4) Pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plans ($5,000)



Informal and formal IPOP feedback data



TSSA:(to be split between math and school climate goals)=$70,726.84

  • $20,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary to allow her to stay full time in our building
  • $5000 will pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plans
  1. Finalize School Safety Report (Madeleine Guymon, school social worker, attended this portion of the meeting)
  • Safety Report link on District website https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools/ 
  • Read through the report and watch videos of your choice PRIOR to attending meeting
  • Come ready to discuss the following questions:

Did you feel the information presented in the District School Community Council School Safety Report was helpful?


What, if any, school safety items did your SCC discuss that were not in the report?


Your SCC has been asked to determine the #1 safety concern at your school after reading the report and discussing safety topics at your school. What has your SCC determined to be the #1 safety concern for your school?

Personal Boundaries – school wide – in all areas of the school 

What additional items did you identify as primary concerns, if any?

1000 E. -cars  speeding and not respecting crossing guard

Crossing guard positioning at arrival- she spends most of the time on the east side 

Does your SCC have an action plan to help address the concerns?

Remind students of expectations (personal boundaries focused) before leaving for recess 

Weekly Thrive Time lessons on Tuesday mornings & reinforce Thrive lessons throughout the week 

Falcon Report recurring segment focused on personal boundaries throughout the year (student lead segments)

Class Care Cards connected to respecting personal boundaries ( classroom rules can list this as one of the expectations)

Parent Square messaging about helping students respect personal boundaries

Item for Vote: Can Principal Schino submit the Safety plan as outlined above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford

Personal boundaries 

Mindy Cupello

Personal boundaries

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Personal boundaries

Alicia Lemus

Personal boundaries

Dustin Ondrasek


Jen Dean


Emigh Lo

Personal boundaries

Cathleen Schino

Personal boundaries

Vote Summary: Personal boundaries

1st motion – Mindy Cupello 

2nd motion – Alex Horwood 

  1. Finalize Digital Citizenship Report (Sara Lee, school Media Specialist & Digital Citizenship Coordinator attended this portion of the meeting)

District Filtering & Systems: 

Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if

the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate?

Yes, the resources are there. 

*Identify Action plan for filtering/systems, if needed:

Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to

instill in students a desire to be good digital citizens?


*Identify Action plan for filtering/systems, if needed:

Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital

Citizenship information to parents in the community?


*Identify Action plan for parent education, if needed:

Item for Vote: Can Principal Schino submit the Digital Citizenship plan as outlined above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford

Yes – looks great 

Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood


Alicia Lemus


Dustin Ondrasek


Jen Dean


Emigh Lo


Cathleen Schino

Yes – the resources are great 

Vote Summary: Principal Schino will submit the plan as reported above. 

1st motion – Jen Bradford 

2nd motion – Alicia Lemus 

  1. Finalize Safe Walking Routes Report
  • SCC submitted the following last year…


1) Text Description:

  • The school map identifies the safest general routes.
  • Students should use sidewalks when available. If there are no sidewalks, students should walk in a safe manner, facing oncoming traffic, as close to the edge of the road as possible.


Zone 1

Hidden Valley Road: West down Hidden Valley Road, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Pineridge, Cinnamon Ridge, Mill Ridge Road: North to Hidden Valley Road, walk west, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Aspen Ridge: west on either Hidden Valley Road, or Spring Ridge, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Spring Ridge: Access Hidden Valley Road using Pineridge, Cinnamon Ridge, York Ridge, or Mill Ridge Road, west on Hidden Valley, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.


Zone 2

Cedar Ridge: West to school, enter school grounds by crosswalk with crossing guard.

Eastridge Road: South on Oakridge to Cedar Ridge, enter school grounds by crosswalk with crossing guard.


Zone 3

11780 South: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

Eagle Bend Road and Castle Rock Road: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

11585 South/Sanders Road: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

Black Forest Drive: west to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge,east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.


Zone 4

Sandy Creek Drive, Dry Creek Road, E Park Mesa Way, Spruce Mesa Way: south to Sunburn Lane, east to 1000 East, south on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of the school on 1000 East.

Meadow Wood Drive, Willow Wood Drive to Riparian Drive: East to 1000 East, south on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of school on 1000 East.

Pond Ridge Drive to Riparian Drive or Cattail Drive: East to 1000 East, north on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of school.

*Sunset Ponds area-encouraged to carpool.


Zone 5

West of 700 East (Bus Zone): Ride the bus rather than walk or ride their bicycles to school.

East of 700 East between 12000 South and 12300 South (Bus Zone): Ride the bus rather than walk or ride their bicycles to school.

*Walking east along 12300 South to 1000 East to access the school is not an approved safe route.



2) Concerns for Canyons School District:

There are no sidewalks on the east side of 700 East, only a large shoulder. This shoulder for students to walk on, especially in the winter, is hazardous when the snow plows push the snow onto that shoulder. 


3) Concerns for Community:

*Add solar crossing light on Riparian Dr. that mirrors Sunburn Lane. Orange lights will alert drivers to students crossing.

* Add solar crossing light on 1000 E. leading into the school parking lot. Orange lights will alert drivers to students crossing.


4) Infrastructure Changes:

There are no known changes to the infrastructure that we are aware of.

Safe Walking Map

Item for Vote: Can Principal Schino submit the safe walking routes as seen above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood


Alicia Lemus


Dustin Ondrasek


Jen Dean


Emigh Lo


Cathleen Schino


Vote Summary: Submit safe walking routes 

1st motion – Jen Bradford 

2nd motion – Alicia Lemus 

  1. Other
  • Should we have messages sent to all families from “SCC” posts?
  • If yes, then how often? How do we decide on the messaging (who will draft, will we vote first, who sends it to the Principal to be posted, etc?)

Move these items to be discussed during next month’s meeting on Nov. 13th 

  1. Adjourn until next month’s meeting Nov. 13th 

Mindy adjourned the meeting at 5:12pm

1st motion to adjourn – Mindy 

2nd motion to adjourn – Jen 

Item for Vote: 

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood


Alicia Lemus


Dustin Ondrasek


Jen Dean


Emigh Lo


Cathleen Schino


Vote Summary: