12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

October 14, 2024 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

October 14, 2024




Cathy Schino (Principal)

Jen Bradford 

Noel Markle  (K-2 Teacher)

Eli Clark

Lauren Crowe  (3-5 Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alicia Lemus

Amy Wall

Melissa White


Members Absent: Jason Dyer

  • Digital Citizenship Presentation- 

Sara Lee is our coordinator.  She will attend the 10/14 meeting and present her information.  Here is a link to watch prior to the meeting.   https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc-digital-citizenship/

  • Finalize Digital Citizenship Report

SCC replies to these questions after Sara’s presentation:

  • Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate? Yes. Tiered depending on account and grade of what students can get into. Set even for adults. Filters are tight.
  • Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to instill in students a desire to be good citizens?  YES! We are a Common Sense school. Students have at least 3 lessons on digital citizenship. Our Thrive Time lessons also embed lessons every 5th lesson. Library curriculum also has lessons. We have parent outreach and displays so that parents know what students are learning as digital citizenship. We have digital citizenship week this week. White ribbon is run by PTA and is also in regards to digital citizenship.
  • Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents in the community? Monthly parent square updates from Sara Lee.  Information during digital citizenship week October 14-16.  We will alos provide flyers during parent teacher conferences in February.. 

Item for Vote: Do we approve the digital citizenship plan as proposed above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford 


Eli Clark


Lauren Crowe


Jason Dyer

Not Present

Alicia Lemus


Noel Markle


Amy Wall

Approved as stands

Melissa White

As it stands

Cathleen Schino

Cathy is impressed with what teachers are doing with digital citizenship and leading by example from  Sara’s PD

Vote Summary: Approved 

  • Finalize Safe Walking Routes Report

Last month we reviewed the safe walking route map and written text proposal description.  This month we need to finalize and vote on the report so it can be submitted. Here is the proposed report:

1) Text Description:

  • The school map identifies the safest general routes.
  • Students should use sidewalks when available. If there are no sidewalks, students should walk in a safe manner, facing oncoming traffic, as close to the edge of the road as possible.

Zone 1

Hidden Valley Road: West down Hidden Valley Road, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Pineridge, Cinnamon Ridge, Mill Ridge Road: North to Hidden Valley Road, walk west, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Aspen Ridge: west on either Hidden Valley Road, or Spring Ridge, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.

Spring Ridge: Access Hidden Valley Road using Pine Ridge, Cinnamon Ridge, York Ridge, or Mill Ridge Road, west on Hidden Valley, enter the school grounds at the south entrance gate.


Zone 2

Cedar Ridge: West to school, enter school grounds by crosswalk with crossing guard.

Eastridge Road: South on Oakridge to Cedar Ridge, enter school grounds by crosswalk with crossing guard.


Zone 3

11780 South: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

Eagle Bend Road and Castle Rock Road: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

11585 South/Sanders Road: West to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge, east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.

Black Forest Drive: west to 1000 East, south on east side of 1000 East to Cedar Ridge,east to crossing guard on Cedar Ridge.


Zone 4

Sandy Creek Drive, Dry Creek Road, E Park Mesa Way, Spruce Mesa Way: south to Sunburn Lane, east to 1000 East, south on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of the school on 1000 East.

Meadow Wood Drive, Willow Wood Drive to Riparian Drive: East to 1000 East, south on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of school on 1000 East.

Pond Ridge Drive to Riparian Drive or Cattail Drive: East to 1000 East, north on west side of 1000 East to crossing guard in front of school.

*Sunset Ponds area-encouraged to carpool.


Zone 5

West of 700 East (Bus Zone): Ride the bus rather than walk or ride their bicycles to school.

East of 700 East between 12000 South and 12300 South (Bus Zone): Ride the bus rather than walk or ride their bicycles to school.

*Walking east along 12300 South to 1000 East to access the school is not an approved safe route.



2) Concerns for Canyons School District:

Sidewalks at drop off/pick up and in front of school are in need of repair.  They are crumbling in many square slabs. 


3) Concerns for Community: 

10th East Crossing Guard concern, she must be on the school side, but there is lack of visual on her.  Request for a second crossing guard. Jen would be open to meeting with police, community member in the morning to see the concern.

4) Infrastructure Changes:

There are no known changes to the infrastructure that we are aware of.

Item for Vote: Do we approve the safe walking plan as proposed above? Or with the addition of the Sandy Canal Trail?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford 

With Sandy Trail but should not have students accessing from 114th. Only between Riparian and Sunburn

Eli Clark

With Sandy Trail

Lauren Crowe

With Sandy Trail

Jason Dyer

Not Present

Alicia Lemus

With Sandy Trail but wonders about supervision and visibility of students on trail alone.

Noel Markle

With Sandy Trail but see possible concerns

Amy Wall

Approve with addition

Melissa White

Approve with Sandy Trail addition

Cathleen Schino

Cathy will reach out to Rick Scheese and see if a trail can be added to safe walking routes- if so, we will add Sandy Trail to our map

Vote Summary: Approved with Sandy Trail addition 

  • Finalize School Safety Report

Last month we agreed to familiarize ourselves with the District Safety Report webpage https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools/  .  Please watch the newest videos that have been posted and click into all eight safety buttons to learn about safety in our district prior to October 14th. Come ready to discuss the questions in black:

Did you feel the information presented in the District School Community Council School Safety Report was helpful? Yes

Your SCC has been asked to determine the #1 safety concern at your school after reading the report and discussing safety topics at your school. What has your SCC determined to be the #1 safety concern for your school?

 Physical aggression

What additional items did you identify as primary concerns, if any?

  • Gates for the playground area (should consider two more)
  •  Pick up and drop off with parking lot concerns with so few parent parking spots this year
  • Physical aggression- this is our number one school issue for behavior on discipline dashboard. The classroom has the most incidents  and the playground is the next area. It is not just one grade or one teacher. 
  • Lock down drill anxieties
  • NOVA program and its effectiveness and time allocated to it. 


Does your SCC have an action plan to help address the concern? YES

Plan includes:

  1. 4 and 5th grade aggression lessons with principal
  2. Falcon report- segments on aggressive behavior and replacement behaviors
  3. Parent Communication- include the courses on Canyons Family Center student and parent courses, share zones of regulation information by providing flyers and an information table at February parent teacher conferences
  4. Tier 2 small groups with Mrs. Guymon
  5. Our TSSP school climate goal is focused on using precorrection and de-escalation strategies effectively.  

Item for Vote: Do we approve the safety plan as proposed above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford 

Approve. Looks great.

Eli Clark


Lauren Crowe

Approve. Love the bridging the home/school connection. Keep the students accountable.

Jason Dyer

Not Present

Alicia Lemus

All in agreement. Flyers would be great for home.

Noel Markle

Love it

Amy Wall

Approve. Love to consider extra recess/play time

Melissa White


Cathleen Schino

Approve. Sounds great

Vote Summary: Approved- and SCC would like updates throughout the year on dashboard data for physical aggression

**Principal Schino  moved to push the remaining agenda items to next month’s meeting. It was seconded by Melissa White and approved by all members. 

Meeting adjourned at 5:12 until next meeting on November 11th. 

  • Review this year’s Landtrust plan, data, expenditures and review if spending is on course

2024-2025 TSSP


Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

65% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2024 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.  



By May 2025, 80% of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress achieving a 15% increase.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will backward design active reading strategies into each text set, use the monitored independent reading (MIR) strategy daily, and strategically plan and use the precision partners strategy daily.

2) Teachers will use progress monitoring and benchmark data to make walk to read groups based on foundational reading skills.

3) Hire and train five multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) aides (or equivalent hours) to increase foundational reading skills. ($36,500)

4) Pay for substitute salaries to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) to meet four full days to build a strong Professional Learning Community (PLC) system. ($5,500)

5) Pay for stipends to allow the Student Support Team (SST) to meet twice a month to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide intervention plans. ($5,000)


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress reading data.



Landtrust= approximately $47,000

  • approximately $36,500  will pay for MTSS aide salaries
  • approximately $5,500 will pay for substitute salaries to allow the BLT to meet
  • approximately $5,000 will pay for stipends to allow the SST to meet


Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 69% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2024 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   



By May 2025, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will backwards design all math topics using grade level standards, utilize Building Fact Fluency (BFF) kit daily in the Number Talks component, and incorporate math games weekly during the math block.

2) Teachers will teach math vocabulary words from each topic during the vocabulary section of the math block using our district’s systematic vocabulary routine.  

3) Teachers will use progress monitoring and benchmark data data to make walk to math groups based on foundational math skills.


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress math data.



No TSSP or LandTrust budget will be used to support this plan

School Climate Goal


Analysis Summary

33% of students are demonstrating elevated internalizing behaviors, according to 2024 Winter SRSS-IE data.  



By May 2025, 80% of minor discipline dashboard behavior entries will include documentation of using the precorrection strategy and/or de-escalation strategies in the action steps boxes. 


Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on de-escalation behavior strategies, the pre-correction behavior strategy,  and the explicit instruction model to be used daily across content areas.

2) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching once a quarter on the teacher’s content area of choice.

3) Provide weekly music instruction to help students increase academic and behavioral skills. ($15,000)

3)  Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full time. ($50,000)

4) Pay for a portion of our MTSS aide salaries so they can support the behavioral needs of students. ($5,000)


All grades will use Discipline Dashboard data



TSSA: approximately $70,000. 

  • approximately $50,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary 
  • approximately $15,000 will pay for an art teacher
  • approximately $5,000 will pay for MTSS aide salaries
  • Other
    • Revisit cell tower proposals

Each year Sprucewood receives $15,000 from the cell tower budget to support extra- curricular activities, parent teacher conference meals, and school needs.  We are proposing SCC approves $10,000 of that budget for the following:


  • $500- Book Blitz (5th grade literacy extra-curricular)
  • $500- Choir Leader (2nd-5th grade extra-curricular Aug-Dec)
  • $500- Social Media Manager (post and respond on Instagram, Facebook, ParentSquare & Website)
  • $1500- Musical (3 adults $500 each leading 2nd-5th grade extra-curricular Jan-May)
  • (Amended) $600 per month for staff morale (stocking adult wellness area with drinks and snacks, waffle Wednesdays, adult PBIS will equal $6,000 for the year)
  • $1000 for Parent Teacher Conferences meals ($500 per meal 2x a year) update: we spent $467 for September’s parent teacher conference meal from Teriyaki Grill





Item for Vote: Do we approve the cell tower budget above?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford 


Eli Clark


Lauren Crowe


Jason Dyer


Alicia Lemus


Noel Markle


Amy Wall


Melissa White


Cathleen Schino


Vote Summary: 


