12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

October 11, 2021 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

October 11, 2021

Members Present:

Cathy Schino (Principal)Bo Jensen
Terri Avery (Teacher)Mindy Cupello
Jen Dean (Teacher)Theodore McClure

Members Absent: Cheryl Becerra, Jason Dyer, Brooke Mathews, Kacee Bernard, Rusty Craig

  • Call to Order
  • Meeting called to order by TJ.  Short 2 parent members for a voting meeting
  • Approve last month’s minute

Minutes approved by TJ, Mindy, and Bo

Proposal moving forward is to read the minutes ahead of time so that we can approve them quickly and save time during our meetings.

  • Review current year’s LANDtrust plan, data, and expenditures

Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

29 % of students demonstrated below typical growth according to Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.  This pattern is most common in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.  We believe the problem is a result of students needing more effective scaffolds and meaningful reading practice opportunities during Tier 1 instruction.   A strategy for improvement is implementing common comprehension strategies that incorporate scaffolded classroom discussion routines.


By May 2022, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) provide professional development on unpacking standards so all planning is standards-based

2) provide professional development focused on the 5 foundational reading skills (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension)

3) provide professional development focused on listening comprehension and speaking skills (read aloud)

4) provide professional development on comprehension strategies (schema, inferring, visualizing, determining importance, questioning & summarizing/synthesizing) that incorporate using sentence frames during discussions

5) provide professional development focused on school-wide writing routines (using graphic organizers and color coding)

6) continue implementing best practices during foundation block to follow up from 2020-2021 school year (Kilpatrick PA games, ECRI, REWARDS, 95% Group, Blending Routines, Multisyllabic Phonics Routine, Syllable Types)

7) teachers will deliver Tier 1 and Tier 2 reading instruction within the master schedule time frames

8) plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction using two methods:

  1. a) Teachers will videotape themselves teaching a comprehension lesson that can be viewed individually and/or with a peer or coach
  2. b) Teachers observe peers teaching reading comprehension lessons (can be cross grade)

9) hire and train approximately four Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark in reading


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


Landtrust: projection=$48,000 (actual amount $53,635.78)

  •  approximately $37,000 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries
  • approximately $7,500 will pay for teacher stipends for professional development
  • approximately $5,300 will pay for phonics readers that has delayed shipping due to COVID (they should have arrived last May and monies should have come from LANDtrust from last year’s budget, however, we rolled this amount over and will pay out of this year’s budget)
  • approximately $2,500 will pay for texts supporting reading and writing instruction (including but not limited to: high interest texts, phonics readers, writing manuals, reading intervention manuals, common anchor posters, easels)

Both parents and teachers like the plan and see the benefit in using this in our school.

  • Receive School Safety report and Digital Citizenship report from district and begin discussion
  • Invite Sara Lee & Scott McCombs from IT department to come talk to us about School Safety and Digital Citizenship at our next SCC meeting.

Email sent from Susan Edwards on October 4, 2021.  Principal Schino forwarded to all Sprucewood SCC members October 7, 2021.

Hello SCC Chairs and Principals!

As promised, here is the link to the updated School Safety and Digital Citizenship Report from Canyons District. As discussed at training, please share this link with your SCC members so that they may read and study the items ahead of your SCC discussion. In your SCC meeting you should discuss the safety and digital citizenship items. Then your SCC will complete two reports that your principal will submit on CSD Dashboard prior to holiday break in December:

  1. Digital Citizenship plan describing whether your SCC feels that adequate internet safety, student and parent training on internet safety is happening. If not, suggestions for ways that your SCC will help in your school and/or suggestions for the district to consider.
  2. School Safety Plan determining your schools top one or two safety concerns and how your school SCC will work to address these items. You may also note that the items need district/city/county attention. A follow up report in May is due for this plan to state what was done to address these concerns.

https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/school-safety/ (informational page)

https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/safe-schools/ (School Safety and Digital Citizenship report)

As always, please let us know if we can be of any assistance.


Susan Edwards

Public Engagement Coordinator


Alice Peck

Elementary School Performance Director


Advertise links to safety and digital citizenship for our community so that we can get some feedback about what our goals might be for November & December meetings.

Cathy will Upload notes for safety plan onto district website by December

TJ will Email & or text parents so that attendance for SCC is improved for our next meeting.

No voting necessary at this time

Bo motions to adjourn meeting and TJ seconds the motion

Meeting adjourned at 4:40pm.  Next meeting Nov 15, 2021 at 4:00 pm.

  • Other
  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting, November 15
Member NameMember Vote/ any additional note
Cathleen Schino 
Terri Avery 
Jen Dean 
Cheryl Becerra 
Mindy Cupello 
Jason Dyer 
Bo Jensen 
Brooke Mathews 
Theodore McClure 
Vote Summary: