12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

May 9, 2022 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

May 9, 2022 

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Cheryl Becerra

Terri Avery(Teacher)

Mindy Cupello

Jen Dean (Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure

Alternate: Kacee Bernard

Alternate: Rusty Craig


Members Absent: see strikeout above

  • Call to Order 4:11 pm 
  • Approve last month’s minutes motion to approve Brooke Mathews &  seconded Mindy Cupello
  • Review School Safety Report action items

Action Item: Our SCC voted to keep updating our surveillance cameras as our number one priority. However, after receiving information from Ryan Jakeman regarding our district’s plans to update elementary buildings with cameras from rebuilt high school projects, our SCC voted December 13th to follow the district’s timeline rather than paying to upgrade cameras with our own budget. We are aware that we are 1 of 12 elementary buildings still operating on an analog system while other schools have been upgraded to a digital system, and we want to be considered a high priority when the district team creates a timeline for upgrades. Our plan is to advocate for Sprucewood to be on the top of the list!

Update: Principal Schino advocated for Sprucewood by discussing this issue with Ryan Jakeman (Risk Management) and Alice Peck (School Performance Director).  


  • Assure that the current year’s LANDtrust funds and TSSA funds were spent according to current year’s plan



Initial Plan

Actual Expenditure 

Tier II Salaries


Approximately $42,000  (paychecks will be paid through June)

Teacher Stipends





$2,500 on phonics 



$1,000 on consumable supplies




Projected Carry-over to 2022-2023: $2,000


  • Amendment to next year’s 2022-2023 LANDtrust Budget

Our original plan was created with the projection of receiving $53,000.  Our new projected LANDtrust budget is $43,996.79.  The following adjustments will appear on the 2022-2023 plan to account for the difference:

Projected carry-over from 2021-2022 is approximately $2,000, so next year’s available funding will be approximately $46,000



Initial Plan

Amended Plan

Tier II Aide Salaries



Texts to support reading and writing










  • Determine if current year’s plan made a difference in the area of our goals


Reading Goal


By May 2022, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

74%  of students demonstrated typical to above typical growth.  As of 05/09  there are a few more students left to test due to absences so this percentage is subject to change 


Math Goal


By May 2022, 70% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate at or above benchmark skills according to Acadience Spring Composite scores.

65% of students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills. As of 05/09  there are a few more students left to test due to absences so this percentage is subject to change 


School Climate Goal


By May 2022, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback and follow up 100% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.

4:1 positive to corrective goal= IT is pulling data

100% of corrective feedback followed up with feedback sequence=  IT is pulling data

Once all of the testing is complete, Principal Schino will email the SCC with the final numbers that reflect all three of our goals with the updated data.    

  • Other: 

-Brooke Mathews asked a follow up question regarding our Safe Walking Route request to have crossing lights added to Riparian.  Principal Schino explained that the request was submitted to the district, the district representatives discuss this with the city.  In the past the responses have usually been received in early Fall.  

– TJ McClure shared that the crossing guard  on 1000 East has reported some scary situations with drivers not adhering to the 20 mph speed limit when lights are flashing. Principal Schino  will call our Student Resource Officer to request  increased police presence for the last couple of weeks of school for the arrival and dismissal times.

  • Adjourn until next school year 4: 36 pm!