12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

May 8, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

April 17, 2023

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal) 

Cheryl Becerra 

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher) 

Mindy Cupello 

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher) 

Jason Dyer 


Parker Lindsay (Vice Chair) 

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure (Chair) 

Members Absent: Cheryl Becerra, Jason Dyer, Parker Lindsay, Brooke Mathews



  • Call to Order TJ called to order at 4:10pm
  • Approve April minutes Mindy approve minutes, TJ seconded
  • Review School Safety Report action items
    • 1) Share the parking lot map and written procedures with all families through digital and hard copies  (Digital on website and hard copies sent home 5/2/23)
    • 2) Make a video with parking lot procedures, share on website and include this in next year’s registration process  (We created one video that was shared in our Falcon Report, that video is available on our school website, and safety expectations are planned to be included as part of  next year’s registration process but it is unclear if we will be able to do a video- if not we will include the visual map)
    • 3) Principal Schino will send one message per month to the entire school regarding parking lot safety expectations  (Skylerts have been shared each month with repeated messaging regarding safety in parking lots)
    • 4) Ask for help from Sandy Police (Principal Schino spoke with our School Resource Officer and requested increased presence.  He is here every Wednesday and supports other days when he is available)
    • Principal completes School Safety report follow up report on CSD Dashboard after this meeting
    • Have noticed things in parking lots have been safer 
    • No issues reported in several months
  • Assure that the current year’s LANDtrust funds and TSSA funds were spent according to current year’s plans
    • All funds are paying for MTSS aide salaries as planned
  • Determine if this year’s plan made a difference in the area of our goals
    • Our end of year assessments won’t be completed until May 16 and 18 so too early to discuss this yet.  
    • 4th & 5th Grade Reading Inventory assessment data is complete.  88% of students in these classes have shown growth.  69% of students are at the benchmark for RI in 4th & 5th grade 
  • Other
    • Cell tower budget update (monthly spending for staff morale)
      • Propose paying Ms. Saltszieder $500 stipend for end of year play work completed outside of contract time
        • School Spring Musical: Ms. Saltzieder has joined the team and has helped after contract hours in a tremendous way for getting our school ready for the play.  Her time is appreciated and valued.
      • Propose paying for 220 i-ready licenses ($40 per student)
        • iReady is a program that allows teachers to work with small-group instruction while students work through lessons on their individual independent level in math.
    • A quorum of members was not present, so we have emailed out a vote form to collect data from all SCC committee regarding the two proposed cell tower expenses
  • Adjourn-This is our final meeting for the 2022-2023 school year  TJ adjourned the meeting at 4:32, Mindy seconded the motion 


Our Chairperson, TJ McClure sent out the following email and received the following votes.  SCC has approved Ms Satlzeider’s stipend and purchasing i-ready licenses for next year.

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 12:15 AM Theodore McClure <theodore.john.mcclure@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello All members of SCC.  Today was the last meeting for SCC.  Thanks for serving!   We have one last thing to vote on since we didn’t have enough to vote.  We are going to take the vote via email.  See below for an explanation on what we need to vote on.  Make sure to place your vote in an explicit understandable way for both of the proposed items. 


If we don’t get a good response we will have to have another meeting to settle these proposals.

Cell tower budget 

  • Propose paying Ms. Saltszieder $500 stipend for end of year musical work completed outside of contract time
  •         School Spring Musical: Ms. Saltzieder has joined the team and has helped after contract hours in a tremendous way for getting our school ready for the play.  Her time is appreciated and valued.
  • Propose paying for 220 i-ready licenses ($40 per student)
  •         iReady is a program that allows teachers to work with small-group instruction while students work through lessons on their individual independent level in math.