12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

March 7, 2022 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

March 7, 2022 

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Cheryl Becerra

Terri Avery(Teacher)

Mindy Cupello

Jen Dean (Teacher)

Jason Dyer

Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure

Alternate: Kacee Bernard

Alternate: Rusty Craig

Members Absent: 

  • Call to Order 4:13 pm 
  • Approve last month’s minutes Brooke moves to approve, Mindy seconds the motion. 
  • Finalize TSSP and LAND Trust plans 
  • This will be our second discussion regarding TSSP and Landtrust.  Since last month, our BLT discussed the plans and every teacher provided their individual feedback about the proposals.  Two changes have been made since last month:
    • Specific language related to ELA minutes have been deleted due to upcoming grade-level differences in time frames 
    • No “or” statements can be written for funds. FTE in School Climate goal is now written to support making a licensed teacher’s salary whole


Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

 68% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.   A strategy for improvement is implementing vertically aligned daily literacy block routines.


By May 2023, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) all planning is standards-based

2) teachers will deliver Tier 1 and Tier 2 reading instruction  that follows the literacy block vertical alignment within the master schedule time frames

3) teachers will use common foundation routines (K-3= 95% Core, 4-5= REWARDS & 95% multisyllabic routines)

4) teachers will use common comprehension routines (K-5= read aloud, close reading, comprehension connections, Framing Your Thoughts, color coded paragraph writing)

5) teachers will use common skill-based routines (6-8 week fluid intervention groups based on data)

6) hire and train five Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark in reading


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


Landtrust: projection=$53,000

  • $40,000 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries
  • $12,000 will pay for texts to support reading and writing instruction
  • $1,000 will pay for supplies supporting reading and writing instruction (including but not limited to anchor charts,  tracking devices, colored paper, journals, pencils, highlighters, highlighting tape, markers, colored pencils, crayons, glue)

Vote/Comments regarding the LANDTrust budget connected to our ELA goals

Cathleen Schino

Budgets are approximate and can be adjusted as needed 

Terri Avery

Aides are where we want to spend the bulk- approve 

Jen Dean

Funds look good, great way to distribute money- approve 

Cheryl Becerra

Looks good! 

Mindy Cupello

Looks great! 

Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen

Budget looks good, right on target 

Brooke Mathews

Wondering about supply donations to save some on budget – approves of budget

Theodore McClure

Approve budget 

Vote Summary: unanimous vote to approve 


Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 62% of students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to Math Acadience Winter Composite scores.   A strategy for improvement is implementing number talks, using the CRA (concrete, representational, abstract) model daily during math instruction, and analyzing growth patterns using pathways of progress data.


By May 2023, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) provide professional development on unpacking standards so all planning is standards-based

2) provide professional development focused on number talks

3) provide professional development focused on CRA (concrete, representational, abstract) model of teaching

4) provide professional development focused on the 8 mathematical practice standards

5) teachers will explicitly teach math vocabulary using the systematic vocabulary routine daily

6) teachers will deliver Tier 1 and Tier 2 math instruction within the master schedule time frames

7) plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction using two methods:

  1. a) Teachers will videotape themselves teaching the number talk or CRA portion of their math lesson that can be viewed individually and/or with a peer or coach
  2. b) Teachers observe peers teaching number talks and/or CRA portion of math lessons (can be cross grade)



All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


TSSA projection:  $54,000 (45,000 already budgeted for 0.5 salary)

  • $9,000 will pay for math manipulatives and storage bins to house manipulatives

School Climate Goal


Analysis Summary

27% of students are demonstrating internalizing behaviors according to Winter SRSS-IE data.  A strategy for improvement is to have teachers participate in public practice by videoing themselves to self-assess positive to corrective feedback ratios, specific feedback and feedback sequences.  


By May 2022, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback, increase specific feedback and follow up 100% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.

Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on specific feedback and feedback sequences

2) Teachers will participate in public practice to improve school climate by videoing themselves teaching a lesson of choice and watching individually and/or with peer or coach to analyze their positive to corrective feedback, specific feedback, and feedback sequences that follow corrective feedback when students demonstrate the desired behavior.


Informal and formal IPOP feedback data


TSSA: projection=$54,000

  • $45,000 will pay for 50% (0.5 FTE) of our School Social Worker’s salary, benefits and insurance so Sprucewood can pay for 0.5 FTE for a Licensed Teacher salary to maintain a full-time teacher position.


Comments regarding our Math and School Climate goals 

Cathleen Schino

Excited for the roll-out, sounds like we are on the right-track for moving forward with this plan for next year. 

Terri Avery

Extra scaffolding in the math instruction will be beneficial to teachers and therefore students 

Jen Dean

Looking forward to the PD that’s part of the math plan for next year.  

Cheryl Becerra

Plan sounds great 

Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen


Brooke Mathews


Theodore McClure

What does 0.5 FTE mean?  Half- salary to make 1 teacher salary whole.  For example if we are allotted 12.5 we can give the other 0.5 to pay for the remainder of the 13th teacher’s salary.  Allows for smaller class sizes in the end.  APPROVED 

Vote Summary: unanimous approval for these goals and fund allotments 


  • Review PBIS plan


Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports

Sprucewood uses two main systems to provide specific and positive feedback to students when they are demonstrating desired behaviors that support our school rules and values.

1) High Flyer Tickets: Every student will receive at least one high flyer per year.  High Flyer tickets reinforce our school values (creativity, assertiveness, resiliency, effort & safety).  Students have a positive visit to the principal’s office, share a positive call home to parents, take a selfie for our Falcon’s Report, and receive a color changing pencil that says, “I am a Sprucwood High Flyer!”  High Flyer tickets are on display outside of the front office for all to see.

2) Care Cards:  Individual students are recognized for demonstrating one of our school rules (take care of yourself, take care of others, take care of our school).  Care cards are rewarded using the DOJO digital system.  Students can receive care cards anywhere in the building from any adult in the building and can receive multiple care cards per day or per week!  Goals are set and celebrations happen when milestones are achieved.  Classroom teachers set specific goals to have unique celebrations in their classrooms, and a school wide goal is also set to have whole school celebrations. 

As of 2/28/22 our students have earned 90,101 care cards. 

This year we have experienced the following whole school celebrations:

20, 000 = Hat Day

30, 000 = music @ lunch

40, 000 = sports day

55,000 = crazy hair day

70, 000 = hat day/ crazy sock day

85, 000 = pajama day 

Vote/Comments regarding our PBIS plan

Cathleen Schino

Both school wide and classroom rewards for spending points 

High flyers can recognize kids for academics or behaviors 

Terri Avery

Loves it, uses it in the classroom quite a bit 

Jen Dean

Like using it for store so that they can spend those points 

Cheryl Becerra


Mindy Cupello

Kids like the high flyer awards 

Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen

Son talks about it at home, this is a very positive thing 

Brooke Mathews

High flyer bulletin board outside of font-office, then they go home too! Really like the class-dojo does allow parents to give points at home too reflects with children at home about how many points you’re earning at home 

Theodore McClure

Likes the program, kids like being recognized for high flyers – more to a child than good academics 

Vote Summary: overall everyone seems to like what we are doing to reward and reinforce positive behaviors here at Sprucewood 

  • Everyone please come in to the school and sign the SCC signature page in the office this week so we can submit our proposals to our board of education right away.


  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting April 11, 2022 meeting adjourned at 4:45pm