12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

January 25, 2021 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

January 25, 2021

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Mindy Cupello

Cindy Bronson (Teacher)

Jason Dyer (Vice Chair)

Isaiah Folau (Teacher)

Caitie Ely (Chair)


Alison  Holbrook

Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Emily Jensen

Tricia Leininger


  • Call Meeting to Order
    • Called to order by Caitie Ely at 4:07
  • Review and approve last month’s meeting minutes
    • Motion to approve by Catie Ely
      • Seconded by Bo Jensen… Approved  unanimously
  • Digital Citizenship Discussion
    • Discussion should also include ideas for action items for how to involve and incorporate PTA and build out a white-ribbon week in tandem
      • Possibly get them to coincide or run closely together
        • White Ribbon (January)
        • Digital Citizenship (February)
  • Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate?
    • Yes
      • C. Ely voiced that we should continue to keep him in our network should we have any more questions
      • All felt the information received was helpful and informative
  • Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to instill in students a desire to be good digital citizens?
    • Yes!
    • S. Lee (Digital Citizenship Coordinator for Sprucewood) attended to speak to these efforts
      • District effort started in December
        • there are things to forward along to teachers for each month
      • December, January, and going forward, messages are being posted to all social media platforms and pushed through specifically, Class Dojo
      • Digital Citizenship is in February (16th-18th)
        • S. Lee will teach a lesson during booster times to every student that week
        • S. Lee and A. Holbrook have coordinated to send home a packet/activities home the week prior to supplement and extend the instruction in class
        • A. Holbrook voiced to the effort of PTA to attach a note of themes they’re associating with each day
        • C. Schino noted that we may not want to send home packets on the 11th as they may get overshadowed by Valentine’s celebrations
          • A. Holbrook and S. Lee said to send them home the 10th (Wednesday)
            • Schoolwide from every teacher
      • Common Sense Media vs. NetSmarts
        • District is leaning towards Common Sense Media as a resource
          • Is also a great resource generally for media by way of books, movies, T.V. shows
        • NetSmarts is geared towards younger students
  • Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents in the community?
    • Parent Education: Enter the date of your first community outreach: 
      • 12/6/2020
    • Enter a short description of your first community outreach activity/opportunity:
      • Enter the date of your second community outreach
        • 2/10/2021
    • Enter a short description of your second community outreach activity/opportunity:
      • Every student will be sent home with a packet that outlines white ribbon week with the particular themes of the day and also has a supplemental activity families may complete as an extension to the instruction at class.  It will contain an overview of what digital citizenship is (via a cover letter).  All of the content is derived from Common Sense Media.

Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP)

    • The council reviewed the documents and C. Ely, B. Jensen, A. Holbrook, B. Mathews voiced their concerns to have a sidewalk placed there, as such, the SCC would like the request placed in the SNAP plan
    • The concern has been expressed before but we’d like it to be reiterated
    • C. Ely noted that she would speak with the various jurisdictions (Draper City, UDOT, Canyons SD) to get further clarity
      • A. Holbrook has made some headway towards the effort and would share her insights as well
    • The council reviewed the safe walking routes, particularly on the southwest side of the school to routes that are missing and where they ought to feed into
    • The SNAP plan has to be signed, in-person, between Wednesday the 27th and Thursday the 28th to be delivered on Friday the 29th
  • 2020 LANDtrust summary of Final Report
    • A. Holbrook asked what the rollover from 19/20 to 20/21 is?
      • C. Schino would look into it and note it for February’s meeting

Sprucewood Elementary School:

End of Year LAND Trust Summary Report

Sprucewood Elementary School Community Council was pleased to be able to spend $48,575.54 of LAND Trust funds on Sprucewood Falcons for the 2019-2020 school year.  



Proposed Expenditure

Actual Expenditure

Salaries and Employee Benefits



General Supplies










= $48,575.54

Sprucewood Elementary School Community Council spent $48,575.54 of LAND Trust funds in 2019-2020.  It was determined that funds should be spent on salaries, general supplies, textbooks and technology equipment.  To increase reading achievement, students were identified as performing below benchmark on Acadience testing.  Students identified received daily intervention support from intervention assistants under the direction of the achievement coach. Most of the allocated LAND Trust funding, $31,582.97, was used to pay for salaries and employee benefits.  $29,811.47 was spent on four reading intervention aides, and one MTSS intervention aide.  $865.00 was spent on substitutes. Substitutes were utilized so teachers could participate in coaching cycles to improve their capacity in reading whole group and skill-based instruction. $906.50 was spent on teacher stipends for collaboration and literacy data review sessions held outside of teacher contract time.  $1,697.13 was allocated to pay for general supplies.  This funding was used to purchase phonics kits and manipulatives to support daily reading intervention lessons.  $5,707.44 was allocated to pay for textbooks. $375.27 was used to purchase Morning Meeting books to support reading instruction.  $5,332.17 was used to purchase the 95%  Phonics program that was used during Tier II daily reading intervention instruction. $9,588.00 was allocated to pay for equipment.  $1,490.00 was used to purchase Apple TVs for classrooms that still needed them in order to project daily reading lessons from their computers and iPads.  $8,098.00 was used to purchase iPads and iPencils to be used during daily reading instruction.  


The Sprucewood School Community Council views our LAND Trust plan resources as a crucial component of our student achievement.  

  • Meeting called for adjournment by A. Holbrook 5:04
    • Seconded by B. Jensen
    • Adjourned until next month’s meeting February 22, 2021