12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

February 22, 2021 – Minutes




Cathy Schino (Principal)

Mindy Cupello

Cindy Bronson (Teacher)

Jason Dyer (Vice Chair)

Isaiah Folau (Teacher)

Caitie Ely (Chair)


Alison Holbrook

Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Emily Jensen

Tricia Leininger


  • Call Meeting to Order
    • Called to order at 4:05 by Catie Ely
  • Review and approve last month’s meeting minutes
    • Motion to approve by Catie Ely
      • Seconded by Jason Dyer … Approved  unanimously
  • Follow up on Digital Citizenship Plan 
    • I. Folau and C. Bronson spoke to how Digital Citizenship/White Ribbon week played out
      • Overwhelmingly positive from both teachers and students
    • A. Holbrook was a main coordinator through PTA and spoke to receiving feedback on the week in improvements for next year
      • C. Schino suggested a Google Form that teachers can fill out 
        • J. Dyer and A. Holbrook agreed to coordinate the creation of a simple Google Form in feedback to White Ribbon Week which in turn C. Schino will push logistically
  • Follow up on Child Access Routing Plan (SNAP)
    • C. Schino submitted the plan with a note that it does take time to process 
  • Mid-Year Data Review
    • 2019-2020 TSSP Goal: 60% of students scoring below or well below benchmark in the Fall Acadience Reading Composite will move to at or above benchmark, and 60% of students scoring basic or below basic in Reading Inventory will advance to proficient or advanced.
    • Mid-Year Check-in
      • 42/110= 38% of students have moved from below or well below benchmark to at or above benchmark according to February Acadience assessments
        • K- 15/22=68%
        • 1st- 12/24=50%
        • 2nd- 4/15= 27%
        • 3rd- 1/14=7%
        • 4th- 0/12=0%
        • 5th- 10/23=43%
      • 35% of our students moved from basic or below basic to proficient or advanced according to December RI assessments
        • 4th- 32%
        • 5th- 38%
    • Additional Data Review
      • Growth Data- 71% of K-5 students made typical to above typical growth when compared to peers around the country who started the year with the same skills
        • K- 89%
        • 1st- 85%
        • 2nd-87%
        • 3rd- 56%
        • 4th-46%
        • 5th-67%
          • Historically (2015-2020) our school average at mid-year is 64% ( lowest 49% and highest 78%)
      • Benchmark Data- 72% of K-5 students are currently demonstrating grade level reading composite skills (includes multiple subskills)
        • K- 85%
        • 1st-68%
        • 2nd-80%
        • 3rd-50%
        • 4th-61%
        • 5th-74%
          • Historically (2015-2020) our school average at mid-year is 68% (lowest 57% and highest 71%)
  • 1st Discussion of 2021-2022 TSSP and Landtrust plans
    • BLT Discussed next year’s proposals Feb 10th and 19th

Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

29 % of students demonstrated below typical growth according to Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data. This pattern is most common in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.  We believe the problem is a result of students needing more effective scaffolds and meaningful reading practice opportunities during Tier 1 instruction.  A strategy for improvement is implementing common comprehension strategies that incorporate scaffolded classroom discussion routines.


By May 2022, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1)All planning will be standards-based

2) provide professional development focused on the 5 foundational reading skills (Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension)

3) provide professional development focused on listening comprehension and speaking skills (read aloud) 

4) provide professional development on comprehension strategies (schema, inferring, visualizing, determining importance, questioning & summarizing/synthesizing) that incorporate using sentence frames during discussions

5) provide professional development focused on school-wide writing routines (using graphic organizers and color coding)

6) continue implementing best practices during foundation block to follow up from 2020-2021 school year (Kilpatrick PA games, ECRI, REWARDS, 95% Group, Blending Routines, Multisyllabic Phonics Routine, Syllable Types)

7) plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction using two methods:

  1. a) Teachers will videotape themselves teaching a comprehension lesson that can be viewed individually and/or with a peer or coach
  2. b) Teachers observe peers teaching reading comprehension lessons (can be cross grade)

8) hire and train approximately four Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark in reading


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


Landtrust: projection=$48,000

  •  approximately $44,000 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries
  • approximately $3,000 will be spent on texts supporting reading and writing instruction (including but not limited to: high interest texts,  phonics readers, writing manuals, reading intervention manuals, common anchor posters)
  • Approximately $1,000 will be spent on purchasing five SWIVL cameras for videoing

School Climate Goal

Analysis Summary

27 % of students are demonstrating negative internalizing behaviors according to Winter SRSS-IE data .  This pattern is most common in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.  We believe the problem is a result of lack of social/emotional problem solving skills, and a need for a consistent 4:1 positive to corrective feedback ratio with a feedback sequence following every corrective so students know when they are demonstrating the desired behavior. A strategy for improvement is to teach the Second Step social emotional program, and have teachers participate in public practice by videoing themselves to self-assess positive to corrective feedback ratios and feedback sequences.  


By May 2022, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will be on-track for internalizing behaviors according to SRSS-IE data, and 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback and follow up 100% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.

Action Plan Summary

1) provide professional development on Second Step Program lessons

2) teachers will deliver lessons according to the school-wide pacing schedule

3) school social worker will provide a supplemental/support lesson per class per month

4) provide professional development on feedback and feedback sequences

4) teachers will participate in public practice to improve school climate by videoing themselves teaching a lesson of choice and watching individually and/or with peer or coach to analyze their positive to corrective feedback ratio, and total number of feedback sequences that follow corrective feedback


Spring SRSS-IE survey data and informal and formal IPOP feedback data


TSSP: projection=$50,000

  • approximately $42,000 will pay for 50% (0.5 FTE) of our School Social Worker’s salary,  benefits and insurance so Sprucewood can maintain a full-time social worker
  • approximately $1,000 will be spent on items to assist students in the calming down process (including but not limited to:  sensory items, social skills games, calming activities, and puppets for play therapy) 
  • approximately $6,000 will be spent on stipends for teacher training time (outside of contract hours)
  • Rep. Suzanne Harrison joined our meeting
    • She voiced that the 2021 Legislative Session has started and she again voiced for all to be in contact for anything that she may be helpful with… 801-999-8047
  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting March 29, 2021
    • C. Ely adjourned meeting at 5:15 pm