12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

February 13, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

February 13, 2023


Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Cheryl Becerra

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher)

Mindy Cupello

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Parker Lindsay (Vice Chair)

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure (Chair)


Members Absent: Cheryl Becerra, Theodore McClure, Jason Dyer (had to leave early)



  • Call to Order

4:06 pm

  • Approve December minutes

Parker gave first approval, Mindy seconds 

  • Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data and expenditures and review if on course or if amendments are necessary. 

LANDtrust Goal

By May 2023, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress. 



$45,942.88- Entire budget will be used to pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries.  We are on course to have aides complete their year of instruction in May. 


57% of Sprucewood K-5th grade students demonstrated typical to above typical reading growth according to mid-year Pathways of Progress assessment.

Have 3 years to meet goals as per district guidelines.  

  • Begin writing TSSP and LAND Trust plans for next school year.
    • TSSP will be worked on by school and goals/direction shared with SCC for input. 

BLT met January and February to create proposed Math and School Climate goals and TSSA funding focus

  • SCC will write and develop a LAND Trust plan to address one or more goals from TSSP.

BLT met January and February to create proposed ELA goals and proposed Landtrust funding focus

Proposed 2023-2024 TSSP


Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

57% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2023 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.   A strategy for improvement is implementing standards based planning that incorporates common routines during daily read aloud, main selection, independent reading and writing learning opportunities.  


By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 ELA instructional time by implementing common routines during foundations, read aloud, main selections, independent reading, and writing as per Sprucewood’s Literacy Block document

3) Teachers will make tier 2 skill-based groupings based on timely data (6-8 week fluid intervention plans)

4) Provide professional development focused on common writing routines (deconstructing prompts, writing process & universal scaffolds)

5) Hire and train five Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark in reading


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


Landtrust: projection=$54,000

  • $54,000 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries

Input: SCC governs the ELA Landtrust goal and budget decision.  Do you want to move forward as it is proposed or do you propose to make a change?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Cheryl Becerra

Not present

Mindy Cupello

Like the way things are going, expectations are the same as pre-covid.  Benchmark has not changed, growth is still improving.  

Okay with plan.  

Jen Dean

Like the goal, glad it is growth model focused, would like to approve the plan 

Jason Dyer

Not present 

Parker Lindsay

How do we address kids at all levels?  How can the plan help kids at each level wherever they are?  

Full vote of confidence in the TSSP plan

Emigh Lo

All groups of kids are being taught at their own level on this plan.  There is a lot of scaffolding provided but those who don’t need it, don’t have to access the scaffolds, can work independently.  

Approves the plan 

Brooke Mathews

How much improvement was shown this year over last? 

Growth model over benchmark is the way to go, mid-term data can be challenging 

Approve the plan  

Theodore McClure

Not present 

Cathleen Schino

BLT considered several action steps and landed on the ones they feel will help with growth

Summary: unanimous to move forward as proposed for those present, input will be shared with BLT inFebruary 15 meeting, SCC will review plan again for second read at our next SCC meeting March 13. 

Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 63% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2023 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   A strategy for improvement is implementing standards based planning that incorporates common routines during six daily elements of math instruction: 1)number talks, 2)review, 3)vocabulary, 4)teacher clarity, 5)concept/skill development, and 6)skill based instruction (SBI).


By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 and tier 2 math instructional time by implementing common routines during number talks, review, vocabulary, teacher clarity, and concept/skill development, and SBI as per Sprucewood’s Math Block document

3) Provide professional development focused on the systematic vocabulary routine 

4) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction using one of the methods below:

  1. a) Teachers will videotape themselves teaching any of the six elements of their 

      math lesson that can be viewed individually and/or with a peer or coach

  1. b) Teachers observe peers teaching any of the six elements of a math lesson

5) Hire and train three Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark in math


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


TSSA projection(to be split between math and school climate goals):  $55,500

  • $45,500 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries
  • $5,000 will pay for math manipulatives to support daily math instruction, and storage bins to house manipulatives

School Climate Goal

Analysis Summary

27% of students are demonstrating internalizing behaviors according to 2023 Winter SRSS-IE data.  A strategy for improvement is to focus on using feedback best practices in all areas of the building to provide students with timely and specific feedback when they are demonstrating the desired behavior or skill.  


By May 2024, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback, and follow up 85% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior/skill as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.

Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on feedback and feedback sequences

2) Teachers will participate in public practice to improve school climate by videoing themselves teaching a lesson of choice and watching individually and/or with peer or coach to analyze their positive to corrective feedback, and feedback sequences that follow corrective feedback when students demonstrate the desired behavior.


Informal and formal IPOP feedback data


TSSA: projection (to be split between math and school climate goals)=$55,5000

  • $5000 will pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1 and tier 2 intervention plans

School’s direction for TSSA math and school climate are to be shared with SCC for input.  What is your comment or suggestion?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Cheryl Becerra

Not present 

Mindy Cupello

All for it.  Wish more support in math were given.  Win win

Jen Dean

Hooray for aides in math!  Love the positive 4:1 feedback. 

Jason Dyer

Not present 

Parker Lindsay

Extra aides, math can be hard for kids, extra help is great- should go a long way 

Emigh Lo

Right on target with goals & plan.  Keep the growth model in math as well as reading, 4:1 positives for kids.  

Brooke Mathews

Math aides just as important for reading, glad that’s part of the plan.  Love the 4:1 for positive feedback.  

Ninja kids- growth mindset – get into more classes- support for kids positive self talk/ self esteem 

Theodore McClure

Not present 

Cathleen Schino

BLT is spot-on they’ve looked at the data and they are writing a plan that addresses student needs

Summary: SCC supports the plans as proposed

  • Other
    • Cell tower budget update (January morale purchases)

January’s purchases were under the $400 monthly limit.  The receipt and line item list was shared with SCC members in the email one week prior to our meeting.  

  • Survey results for location of adult wellness space

We will continue to keep the adult wellness space where it is and continue using the space as it is currently being used.  

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting March 13, 2023 

                      4:49 Mindy made motion to adjourn and Brooke made second