12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

February 12, 2024 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

February 12, 2024





Cathy Schino (Principal)

Mindy Cupello (Chairperson)

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher)

Jen Bradford (Vice-Chair)

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Alicia Lemus

Dustin Ondrasek

Members Absent: Alicia Lemus, Jason Dyer

  • Call to Order – 
    • Mindy Cupello called meeting to order at 4:02pm
  • Approve last month’s minutes – 
    • Jen Bradford made first motion to approve last month’s minutes 
    • Alex Horwood seconded the motion
  • Discuss TSSP and LAND Trust plans for next school year


Proposed 2024-2025 TSSP

Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

65% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2024 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.  


By May 2025, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1)  Teachers will backward design active reading strategies into each text set.

2) Teachers will use the monitored independent reading (MIR) strategy. 

3) Teachers will strategically plan and use the precision partners strategy daily.

4) Teachers will use timely data to make walk to read groups based on foundational reading skills (progress monitoring and benchmark data)

5) Hire and train five Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support reading achievement for all students ($51,000)


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


Landtrust= approximately $51,000.00  will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries


Item for Vote: 

Member Name


Jen Bradford

You mentioned providing rubrics to help teachers meet these action steps. Where do they come from? (BLT)  Who decides what is on it? (teacher input and BLT will finalize)  How do you monitor teacher implementation? (during PLC)

Mindy Cupello

What happens if we don’t hit it? (We complete a final report each year to summarize our growth).Do we readjust the action steps? (Yes, we adjust the action steps each year to meet student needs according to what the data looks like).   Looks great 

Jen Dean

I like the action steps and believe they will make an impact. Lots of research going into duet reading

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Looks good. 

Alicia Lemus


Emigh Lo

We have a wide range of implementation, so these steps will help us focus. Looks good!

Dustin Ondrasek

Looks good. Rubrics? Are there check in points? How realistic is 65% to 80% goal?

Cathleen Schino

I think the plan is solid.  The BLT had great conversations about options and what will best help student achievement.  I think honing in on less strategies and using rubrics to self assess our progress next year will help increase growth. 

Vote Summary: ELA proposal looks good as it is. 


Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 69% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2024 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   


By May 2025, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will backwards design all math topics using grade level standards.

2) Teachers will utilize Building Fact Fluency (BFF) kit daily in the Number Talks component of the math block.

3)Teachers will utilize math games weekly during the math block.

4) Teachers will plan utilizing the systematic vocabulary routine for math vocabulary words from each topic during the vocabulary section of the math block.  

5) Hire and train two Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark (approximately $30,000).


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.


TSSA projection(to be split between math and school climate goals):  approximately $70,000

  • $30,000  will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries


Item for Vote: 

Member Name


Jen Bradford

Do most teachers have all the materials needed for games? (Yes, they all have dice and cards right now.  We can also add any in manipulatives teachers need next year with fundraiser money.) Rubrics? (Yes, BLT will create rubrics in math, too)

Mindy Cupello

I think it looks good. 

Jen Dean

I really like it.

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Solid outline. 

Alicia Lemus


Emigh Lo

Great success with this plan.

Dustin Ondrasek

Looks great! I love the games aspect. 

Cathleen Schino

We based these action steps off what is currently working in the building. The two teams who had over 80% growth in math this winter shared what is working so we could decide how to bring that across more of the building. 

Vote Summary: Math goal looks good as is.

School Climate Goal

Analysis Summary

33% of students are demonstrating internalizing behaviors according to 2024 Winter SRSS-IE data.  


By May 2025, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will utilize the pre-correction and de-escalation strategies as measured by discipline dashboard data. 

Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on pre-correction behavior strategy.

2) Provide professional development on de-escalation behavior strategy .

3) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching once a quarter on the teacher’s content area of choice.

4)  Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full time (approximately $33,000)

5) Pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plans ($7,000).


Discipline dashboard behavior entries with action steps included.  


TSSA: (to be split between math and school climate goals)=$70,000. 

  • approximately $30,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary to allow her to stay full time in our building
  • approximately $7,000 will pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plans

Item for Vote: 

Member Name


Jen Bradford

Who does professional development? (We have teachers, the coach, principal and sometimes specialists from the district.  But mostly we do teachers in front of teachers guiding each other through learning) Do teachers learn more from each other or from outside sources? (Teachers have reported feeling best about learning from each other) I am great with all of this! 

Mindy Cupello

We need a full time social worker to help with individual kids and classrooms, so I love that some money will make sure that happens. 

Jen Dean

We cannot be without Ms. Guymon! 

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Looks good to me! 

Alicia Lemus


Emigh Lo

Looks great! 

Dustin Ondrasek

I love this section. If we can get the mental piece down then the reading and math will get stronger. Yes, to a full time social worker. Looks great! 

Cathleen Schino

I have a lot of hopes for this goal and action steps!  Keeping our focus on a few specific strategies will be a great way to start.

Vote Summary: This goal looks great- approved

  • Other
    • Propose foundations program purchase for next year for 4th and 5th grade (approx. $5000)

Item for Vote: 

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford

On board! Keep it going! 

Mindy Cupello

I got excited to hear Mrs. Dean explain the importance of morphology skills continuing in 4th and 5th grade, too! All for it! 

Jen Dean

I really love the morphology piece. It needs to continue in 4th and 5th to help our students’ fluency and comprehension. 

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

All for it! 

Alicia Lemus


Emigh Lo

Yes! 4th and 5th graders need it too! 

Dustin Ondrasek

It was cool to see Mrs. Dean’s teacher brain go to work and explain how these foundation skills grow through the grades.  This sounds important to continue. 

Cathleen Schino

This will be really important to have vertical alignment throughout the entire building.  The program is solid, and our implementation is strong.   

Vote Summary: Yes. Use cell tower funding for 4th and 5th grade foundations program. 

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting 3/11/24