12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

February 10, 2025 – Minutes (Draft)

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

February 10, 2025




Cathy Schino (Principal)


Noel Markle  (K-2 Teacher)

Eli Clark

Lauren Crowe  (3-5 Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alicia Lemus

Amy Wall (vice-chair person)

Melissa White (chair person)


Members Absent: Noel Markle, Jason Dyer

  • Call to Order : 4:05pm
  • Approve last month’s meeting minutes- Amy Wall gave first approval and Lauren Crowe gave second approval 
  • Review current year’s LAND Trust plan and review if on course
    • We are on course with the action steps and the budget items
    • Last professional development for teachers from the TSSP will be held on March 7th
  • Review draft of TSSP and LAND Trust plans for next school year



Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

64% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2025 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.  


By May 2026, Sprucewood students will demonstrate at least a 10% growth increase in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress from Winter to Spring.

Action Plan Summary

  1. Teachers will implement Canyons Structured Classroom Discussion (SCD) and Q-TEL best practices to increase student and teacher discourse moves
  2. Teachers will provide sentence frames for students to use while discussing
  3. Provide professional development on SCD best practices
  4. Provide professional development on Q-TEL discourse (rubric)
  5. Hire and train five multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) aides (or equivalent hours) to increase foundational reading skills. ($43,000)
  6. Pay for stipends to allow the Student Support Team (SST) to meet twice a month to analyze data and make recommendations for school-wide intervention plans. ($4,000)


All grades will use Acadience Middle of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress reading data.


Landtrust= approximately $47,000

  • approximately $43,000  will pay for MTSS aide salaries
  • approximately $4,000 will pay for stipends to allow the SST to meet


Item for Vote: Does the committee approve the proposed Landtrust plan as written or do we have suggestions for changes?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Eli Clark

Yes approved as written

Lauren Crowe

Yes approved as written

Jason Dyer


Alicia Lemus

Yes, approved as is

Noel Markle


Amy Wall

Approved as is

Melissa White

Approved as is

Cathleen Schino

Yes, approved as written. Good plan and well thought out.

Vote Summary: All vote for yes approved as is.  Cathy will submit to the district prior to the April deadline. All members need to stop by and sign the participation paper during Parent Teacher Conference Week.

Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 61% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2025 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   


By May 2026, Sprucewood students will demonstrate at least a 10% growth increase in basic math skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress from Winter to Spring.

Action Plan Summary

  1. Teachers will implement Canyons Structured Classroom Discussion and Q-TEL best practices to increase student and teacher discourse moves
  2. Provide professional development on SCD best practices
  3. Provide professional development on Q-TEL discourse (rubric)
  4. Teachers will provide sentence frames for students to use while discussing
  5.  Teachers will teach math vocabulary words from each topic during the vocabulary section of the math block using our district’s systematic vocabulary routine.  



All grades will use Acadience Middle of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress math data.


No TSSP or LandTrust budget will be used to support this plan

School Climate Goal


By May 2026, we will increase student talk by 10%.

Action Plan Summary

1) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching once a quarter on the teacher’s content area of choice.

2) Provide weekly booster instruction to help students increase academic and behavioral skills. ($20,000)

3) Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full-time. ($50,000)


ISD SCD rubric which tallies teacher talk vs. student talk


TSSA: approximately $70,000. 

  • approximately $50,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary 
  • approximately $20,000 will pay for a booster teacher
  • Other
    • Cell Tower: Proposal to purchase 4th and 5th grade 95% Word Study student workbooks, manipulative kits and teacher licenses ($4,000)

Item for Vote: cell tower funds for 95% program

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Eli Clark


Lauren Crowe

Yes, would love to continue to use it.

Jason Dyer


Alicia Lemus

Yes, is all for it.

Noel Markle


Amy Wall

Yes, emphatically 

Melissa White

Yes! Getting ALL the materials and not having to make them

Cathleen Schino

YES!!! Thank you SCC, this is so helpful.

Vote Summary: All approve the $4000.

Meeting ended at 4:36pm.

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting March 10, 2025

Question from Amy Wall: Can we add to the bylaws, to add a representative from the EEC parents to join each SCC meeting?. Even if they do not have a vote, and can just represent that population/ demographic of that program.