12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

December 16, 2019 – Minutes


Lori Reynolds (Principal)
Isaiah Folau (Teacher)


Tess Hortin
Jenni Morgan (Vice Chair)


  • Meeting called to order at 4:10
  • Approval of November Minutes
    • November minutes were approved
  • Giving Tuesday
    • Morgan noted that Sonic was matching donated funds on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and then the Canyons Education Foundation was completing other donations.
    • Reynolds noted that she would look into what the logistics and expectations of the funding are (in terms of Sonic) and look towards next year to get something formally prepped so that there is more efficacy to the day and program.
  • Continuation of Discussion on School Safety Report/Digital Citizenship
    • One need noted was that substitutes have a copy of emergency plans that can be given to them to be aware of and in the event.
    • In discussion of the greatest safety concern, L. Reynolds proposed that awareness, among the school community, regarding evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency that would require offsite relocation was a need
      • The council discussed, potentially, looking at a new sight in comparison to the medical office on the corner of 114th and 10th versus the current site near the corner of 123rd and 10th.
      • Reynolds spoke to having the school resource officer come and walk with her to reevaluate the best plan for relocating to a business.
    • The council went through the digital citizenship portion of the school safety report and collaboratively completed portions of the report.
    • Not having a quorum to vote for completion, L. Reynolds agreed to print out a hard copy and have all members come into the front office to review it and approve it.
  • Meeting adjourned at 4:35 to reconvene on January 14th, 2020