12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

December 13, 2021 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

December 13, 2021

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Cheryl Becerra

Terri Avery(Teacher)

Mindy Cupello

Jen Dean (Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure

Alternate: Kacee Bernard

Alternate: Rusty Craig


Members Absent: Bo Jensen

  • Call to Order

4:09 pm 

  • Approve last month’s minute

Minutes are approved 

  • Approve bylaw updates

All updates proposed and discussed at the 11/15/21 SCC meeting are now visible on our school webpage.  All updates were made according to proposal.  

Do you approve the bylaw updates as they appear on our school webpage?

Cathleen Schino


Terri Avery


Jen Dean


Cheryl Becerra


Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer


Bo Jensen


Brooke Mathews


Theodore McClure


Unanimous approval 

Approve amendment of School Climate Goal

Use of the Second Step program is no longer approved in our school district.  Sprucewood’s School Climate goal included Second Step in the action plan, and needs to remove steps one and two (listed below) from the formal TSSP.  No action steps will be added to replace these steps. 


Proposed Removal:

1) provide professional development on Second Step Program lessons

2) teachers will deliver Second Step lessons according to the school-wide pacing schedule

Do you approve removing these two action steps?

Cathleen Schino


Terri Avery


Jen Dean


Cheryl Becerra


Mindy Cupello


Jason Dyer

Yes- wants noted that program removal without a replacement isn’t proper planning 

Bo Jensen


Brooke Mathews


Theodore McClure




  • Finalize School Safety report and Digital Citizenship report 
  • Principal Schino has to submit SCCs  plan to district by 12/17
  • The committee agrees that the digital citizenship plan as it was proposed during November’s meeting is ready to submit
    • Question/ Concern about Falcon Report publication on YouTube was discussed, but no action was voted on to change that format at this time
  • The school safety plan needs to be finalized today
    • Sprucewood is running on analog surveillance system and is on the list to be updated to digital
    • High Schools that have been remodeled will be sending their used cameras out to the elementary schools within the next 1 to 2 years (depending on board approval)
    • Long term plan is to have up to 26 digital cameras at the elementary school.  (about 5 year timeline depending on board approval) 
    • It will cost this committee approximately $1600-2000 per camera to update Sprucewood’s camera fleet 
    • Should we spend our money on this or wait for the district plan? 
    • Jason suggests we use the money on something educational instead of cameras 
    • Mindy asked if district would reimburse us for the cameras if we purchased them with our school budget first- answer is no 


Below is the information that will be recorded by Principal Schino into the district format as Sprucewood’s plans:

Digital Citizenship:

Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate? 





Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to instill in students a desire to be good digital citizens? 





Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents in the community? 





Safety Report:

Did you feel the information presented in the District School Community Council School Safety Report was helpful? 

The committee agrees that the plan is thorough 

What, if any, school safety items did your SCC discuss that were not in the report? Request for more surveillance outside the school and perhaps inside the school.  Can we get more security cameras?


Update 12/13/21**Principal Schino communicated with her performance director (Alice Peck) who connected her with our district’s Risk Management Coordinator (Ryan Jakeman).  Ryan shared that cameras from two high schools that were just rebuilt are slated to go to older elementary  buildings that have the oldest security cameras.  Sprucewood is on this list as an elementary school in need of an update.  Cameras will be replaced 1 for 1.   The newer cameras have rotating capabilities up to 360 degrees, so they will be able to capture increased vision (90 increases to 180, 180 increases to 270).  Ryan explained that even though we will not increase the number of cameras, we will increase the amount of area the cameras monitor.  

Link to map showing the eight cameras Sprucewood currently has.  The exterior camera located at the  front entrance of the building has been updated to digital format and has moving capabilities.  The interior camera in the front foyer also has movement capabilities. 

Your SCC has been asked to determine the #1 safety concern at your school after reading the report and discussing safety topics at your school. What has your SCC determined to be the #1 safety concern for your school? 

Security & surveillance

What additional items did you identify as primary concerns, if any? surveillance is the number 1 priority for the committee, we will reach out to district personnel and see how to move forward 

Also discussed COVID and the mental impact of the ongoing pandemic 

Does your SCC have an action plan to help address the concerns? Yes, we will record surveillance as our number one safety priority and follow the district’s upgrade plan.  We are hoping that our focus on this issue will provide us with priority in the scheduling of upgrades. 

How would you like to move forward with our SCC safety plan?

  • Move forward and buy our own cameras


  • Stick with the district timeline 

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Cathleen Schino

District timeline 

Terri Avery

District timeline- with follow up next year 

Jen Dean

District timeline 

Cheryl Becerra

District timeline 

Mindy Cupello

District Timeline

Jason Dyer

District timeline- follow up next year 

Bo Jensen


Brooke Mathews

District timeline 

Theodore McClure

District timeline- with follow up next year 

Vote Summary: we will keep the surveillance as our number one concern but wait on the district to supply our school with cameras. 

Share Memo from Canyons District

MEMO – Action – Please share with SCC.

Re: SCC Items of Business

Date: November 23, 2021

Targeted Audience:  All SCC members

From: Susan Edwards, External Relations

Approvals: Robert Dowdle, Alice Peck, Cindy Hanson, McKay Robinson

This memo serves as a reminder that SCC School Safety Plans and Digital Citizenship plans are due to be turned in on dashboard prior to the break in December.

Also, there will be two sessions of additional SCC training on January 12th at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.. This training will be COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and will be structured as a time for SCC members to collaborate, brainstorm, discuss best practices and Q&A with Board President Nancy Tingey, School Performance Director Alice Peck and Public Engagement Coordinator Susan Edwards. Both sessions will be held in the Canyons Center at the Canyons Administration Building, 9361 S. 300 East, Sandy.

More information will be coming out to SCC members, but please alert your SCC of this optional opportunity. Time will be available to discuss ideas on how other SCCs are writing their plans and creative solutions to study items. 

  • Other
  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting January 10, 2022
  • Coming up next month: safe walking routes
  • Meeting adjourned at 4:46 pm