12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

December 11, 2023 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

December 11, 2023





Cathy Schino (Principal)

Mindy Cupello (Chairperson)

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher)

Jen Bradford (Vice-Chair)

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Alicia Lemus

Dustin Ondrasek

Members Absent: Jason Dyer

  • Call to Order

Mindy Cupello called to order at 4:01pm 

  • Approve last month’s meeting minutes

First approval by Mindy Cupello

Second approval by Jen Bradford 

  • Review current year’s LANDTrust plan, data and expenditures and review if on course or if amendments are necessary

All funds are currently being spent as per the plan.  We are on course for expenditures.  Growth data will be available during our February meeting. 

2023-2024 TSSP 

Reading Goal



By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 ELA instructional time by implementing common routines during foundations, read aloud, main selections, independent reading, and writing as per Sprucewood’s Literacy Block document

3) Teachers will make tier 2 skill-based groupings based on timely data (6-8 week fluid intervention plans)

4) Provide professional development focused on common writing routines (deconstructing prompts, writing process & universal scaffolds)

5) Hire and train five Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark ($51,384.45)


All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.



Landtrust=$51,384.45 will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries


Math Goal 


By May 2024, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will utilize backwards design and plan standards-based lessons

2) Teachers will maximize tier 1 and tier 2 math instructional time by implementing common routines during number talks, review, vocabulary, teacher clarity, and concept/skill development, and SBI as per Sprucewood’s Math Block document

3) Provide professional development focused on the systematic vocabulary routine

4) Hire and train three Multi-tiered Systems of Support aides (or equivalent hours) to support students who are below benchmark ($45,726.84)



All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress data.



TSSA projection(to be split between math and school climate goals):  $70,726.84

  • $45,726.84  will pay for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) aide salaries


School Climate Goal 


By May 2024, 100% of Sprucewood teachers will demonstrate 4:1 positive to corrective feedback, and follow up 85% of corrective feedback with a feedback sequence to reinforce when a student demonstrates the desired behavior/skill as evidenced by informal and formal IPOP data.


Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on feedback and feedback sequences

2) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching any content lesson of choice multiple times per year.

3)  Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full time ($20,000)

4) Pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plans ($5,000)



Informal and formal IPOP feedback data


TSSA: (to be split between math and school climate goals)=$70,726.84


  • $20,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary to allow her to stay full time in our building
  • $5000 will pay for substitute salaries or stipends to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) 4 days to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 intervention plan

Reminders: goals are set based on GROWTH.  SCC will review the data in February after the January testing is complete. 

Jen: Is there a time when parents are informed about the plan and what’s being done in the classroom? 

Cathy: Yes, BLT (building leadership team) will start discussions for the new goal proposal in December and January.  Those proposals will be discussed at SCC’s February and March meetings so we can submit by the April deadline.  During February and March the SCC goes into depth about what each component is and what it means in layman’s terms vs. educational jargon. 

  • Review Positive Behavior Plan

What learning opportunities and/or activities will your school provide to teach students about peer pressure, mental health and creating positive relationships? 

  1. Botvin in 4th grade: State mandated lessons focusing on helping students learn how to proactively make good choices, which includes avoiding alcohol, tobacco and drugs.  
  2.  Zones of Regulation: Board approved program focusing on four zones of emotions where students learn how to identify their feelings and build strategies for self regulation.
  3. Thrive Time weekly lessons: District created and board approved whole group lessons focusing on resolving conflict, building resilience, setting goals for personal growth, making responsible decisions, understanding our community, and respecting myself and others. 
  4. High Flyer: School program where students have a 1:1 positive meeting with the Principal, a positive call home to celebrate success, and school wide recognition on Falcon Report.

Item for Vote: Is this behavior plan appropriate as is, or do we want to suggest improvements?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford

Plan looks good 

Mindy Cupello

Like the plan 

Jen Dean

I like the plan the way it is written, it is detailed and includes many pieces 

Jason Dyer

Not present today 

Alex Horwood

Looks good

Alicia Lemus

Good plan – who picks the High Flyer?  Teachers (every student receives at least one per year) 

Emigh Lo

Great plan 

Dustin Ondrasek

My kid loves the High Flyer

Cathleen Schino

All 4 components are strong 

Vote Summary: Unanimously approved 

  • Other
    • Update on new Falcon mascot order

New Falco mascot costume is on order!  It may take several weeks to arrive.  Thank you for supporting our volunteers who go into the costume by allowing us to improve their conditions. 

SCC proposed we also use cell tower funds to purchase an updated storage bin and spray for disinfecting the costume to increase its longevity. 

  • Request for stipends for school musical

Sprucewood will have another spring musical this year!  The title will be announced at our December 12th choir concert.  We are proposing $500 stipends for Ms. VanDam, Mrs. Guymon, and Ms. Saltzsieder to complete all of the director responsibilities to pull off another amazing show.  2nd-5th graders are welcome to participate.  All students will feature artwork from their BTS art class again this year.  

Item for Vote: Do we approve of Ms. Saltzsieder, Ms. VanDam, and Mrs. Guymon all receiving a $500 stipend for their role in directing the spring musical?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello

100% in support of this allocation of funds 

Jen Dean

Love this allocation of funds. Good way to use our money and keep Sprucewood as a STEAM school. 

Jason Dyer

Not present 

Alex Horwood


Alicia Lemus


Emigh Lo

Agree to use the funds this way 

Dustin Ondrasek

All for this 

Cathleen Schino

This is money well spent!  The arts night and musical is a huge highlight of the year.  All three do a fantastic job

Vote Summary: Unanimously approved 

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting January 22, 2024

Call meeting adjourned at 4:21pm