12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

April 8, 2024 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

April 8, 2024




Cathy Schino (Principal)

Mindy Cupello (Chairperson)

Emigh Lo (K-2 Teacher)

Jen Bradford (Vice-Chair)

Jen Dean (3-5Teacher)

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Alicia Lemus

Dustin Ondrasek


Members Absent: Jason Dyer, Jen Bradford, Emigh Lo

  • Call to Order

Mindy called to order at 4:08 

  • Approve Last Month’s Minutes

First Approval- Mindy

2nd Approval- Alicia 

  • Finalize TSSP and LANDtrust Plans

Proposed 2024-2025 TSSP

Reading Goal

Analysis Summary

65% of Sprucewood students demonstrated typical or above typical growth in basic reading skills according to 2024 Acadience Winter Pathways of Progress data.  



By May 2025, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth in basic reading skills according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will backward design active reading strategies into each text set, use the monitored independent reading (MIR) strategy daily, and strategically plan and use the precision partners strategy daily.

2) Teachers will use progress monitoring and benchmark data to make walk to read groups based on foundational reading skills.

3) Hire and train five multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) aides (or equivalent hours) to increase foundational reading skills. ($36,500)

4) Pay for substitute salaries to allow the Building Leadership Team (BLT) to meet four full days to build a strong Professional Learning Community (PLC) system. ($5,500)

5) Pay for stipends to allow the Student Support Team (SST) to meet twice a month to analyze data, and make recommendations for school wide intervention plans. ($5,000)



All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress reading data.



Landtrust= approximately $47,000

  • approximately $36,500  will pay for MTSS aide salaries
  • approximately $5,500 will pay for substitute salaries to allow the BLT to meet
  • approximately $5,000 will pay for stipends to allow the SST to meet

Math Goal

Analysis Summary

 69% of Sprucewood students demonstrated at or above benchmark skills according to 2024 Math Acadience Winter Pathways scores.   



By May 2025, 80% or more of Sprucewood students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of Progress.


Action Plan Summary

1) Teachers will backwards design all math topics using grade level standards, utilize Building Fact Fluency (BFF) kit daily in the Number Talks component, and incorporate math games weekly during the math block.

2) Teachers will teach math vocabulary words from each topic during the vocabulary section of the math block using our district’s systematic vocabulary routine.  

3) Teachers will use progress monitoring and benchmark data data to make walk to math groups based on foundational math skills.



All grades will use Acadience Beginning of Year to End of Year Pathways of Progress math data.



No TSSP or LandTrust budget will be used to support this plan

*Two MTSS math aides will be paid through 0.5 district budget (0050)


School Climate Goal


Analysis Summary

33% of students are demonstrating elevated internalizing behaviors, according to 2024 Winter SRSS-IE data.  



By May 2025, 80% of minor discipline dashboard behavior entries will include documentation of using the precorrection strategy and/or de-escalation strategies in the action steps boxes. 


Action Plan Summary

1) Provide professional development on de-escalation behavior strategies, the pre-correction behavior strategy,  and the explicit instruction model to be used daily across content areas.

2) Plan for public practice to occur to improve instruction by having teachers observe peers teaching once a quarter on the teacher’s content area of choice.

3) Provide weekly Arts  instruction (either music or visual arts) to help students increase academic and behavioral skills. ($15,000)

3)  Pay for a portion of our social worker’s salary so she can work with students full time. ($50,000)

4) Pay for a portion of our MTSS aide salaries so they can support the behavioral needs of students. ($5,000)



All grades will use Discipline Dashboard data



TSSA: approximately $70,000. 

  • approximately $50,000 will pay for a portion of our school social worker’s salary 
  • approximately $15,000 will pay for a music or art IT (instructional technician)
  • approximately $5,000 will pay for MTSS aide salaries

Item for Vote: TSSP and Landtrust proposals above

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello

In agreement. I like this plan. Yes to all proposals.

Jen Dean

In agreement. Everything is well thought out. It will positively impact our school community. Yes to all proposals

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Strongly agree with Mrs. Guymon being paid to be full time. Everything else looks really good. Yes to all proposals

Alicia Lemus

In agreement. The kids will benefit greatly from these plans. Yes to all proposals as written. 

Emigh Lo


Dustin Ondrasek

Love Mrs. Guymon being in the building full time. Strongly agree that having Art weekly is a good way to support students. Yes to all proposals. 

Cathleen Schino

I feel this is the best plan we’ve discussed so far. Writing the goals this way, and using the budget this way will provide the most benefits to our school for next year. Yes to all proposals as written. 

Vote Summary: Submit plans to district and state websites as written

  • Complete Signature Page

*District deadline for signatures is Tuesday, April 9th- please come in and sign that you’ve participated in the discussions scheduled in February, March and April.  Also, check the box stating if you agree of disagree with the plans. 

  • Review Positive Behavior Plan (principal will submit plan in district dashboard)

What learning opportunities and/or activities will your school provide to teach students about peer pressure, mental health and creating positive relationships? 

Botvin in 4th grade, Zones of Regulation as a Tier 1 support in the classroom, Thrive Time weekly lessons, High Flyer (weekly PBIS student recognition)

PBP may include programs, clubs, service opportunities, pro-social activities. Please list any of these resources your school will implement this school year: 

Jr. Coach, Safety Patrol, Recycling club, Falcon Report club, *steam, *choir, *orchestra, *book blitz 

Please list the name of your Positive Behavior Specialist (School Social Worker or Elementary Counselor) who will be responsible for implementing the plan, submitting annual reports and coordination and training with Student Services. 

Madeleine Homer 

Item for Vote: Any questions, concerns or changes needed?

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello

This plan looks good to me. I am a strong supporter of any extra programs that will help our kids.

Jen Dean

I think we’re doing a lot to support our students’ wellbeing and this plan looks good. 

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

Looks good to me.  I agree with it. 

Alicia Lemus

The kids will benefit from being recognized through continued High Flyer calls.   

Emigh Lo


Dustin Ondrasek

I’m impressed! We are providing all of these supports, and taking care of what matters most. 

Cathleen Schino

Mrs. Guymon is a rockstar! She’s taking the lead on providing these supports, and our students are in good hands. 

Vote Summary: Submit as written

  • Review response to Safe Walking Route 

Concerns for Canyons District: There are no sidewalks on the east side of 700 East, only a large shoulder. This shoulder for students to walk on, especially in the winter, is hazardous when the snow plows push the snow onto that shoulder.

Response: A large shoulder is considered an equivalent to a sidewalk and a safe walking path. If snow removal is an issue please contact local code enforcement (Draper)

Concerns for Community:

Add solar crossing light on Riparian Dr. that mirrors Sunburn Lane. Orange lights will alert drivers to students crossing.

Add solar crossing light on 1000 E. leading into the school parking lot. Orange lights will alert drivers to students crossing.


Sandy City: This crossing is already a reduced speed school zone and has a crossing guard.

Draper City – Riparian Dr. – The requested light is not safe and there is not a crosswalk at this location.

Item for Vote: Does this committee want to send any follow up requests

Member Name

Member Vote/ any additional note

Jen Bradford


Mindy Cupello

No follow up needed. 

Jen Dean

These responses seem fair. If we’re not really having any consistent issue, it’s not warranted for the city to fix anything.

Jason Dyer


Alex Horwood

No need to send any follow ups. 

Alicia Lemus

No changes are necessary.

Emigh Lo


Dustin Ondrasek

No follow up necessary. 

Cathleen Schino

The issues that we submitted this year have been concerns in the past.  We don’t have any current complaints or concerns being shared by families in that area at this time. We can reassess our requests next year when we submit. 

Vote Summary: No follow up requests necessary. 

  • Other

No other agenda items this month

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting May 13, 2024

Mindy adjourned meeting at 4:45pm