12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

April 11, 2022 – Minutes

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Sprucewood Elementary

  April 11, 2022 

Members Present:



Cathy Schino (Principal)

Cheryl Becerra

Terri Avery(Teacher)

Mindy Cupello

Jen Dean (Teacher)

Jason Dyer

Bo Jensen

Brooke Mathews

Theodore McClure

Alternate: Kacee Bernard

Alternate: Rusty Craig

Additional Attendance: Amanda Oaks (board member)

  • Call to Order  


  • Approve last month’s minutes

Jason moves to approve, Brooke seconds.  

  • SCC discuss elections, open seats; especially if SCC holds a spring election. (If SCC holds spring election, advertise open seats and how/when election happens)

Our SCC voted for FALL elections during the November 15, 2021 SCC meeting.  This vote stands. 

  • Review current year’s LAND Trust plan, data and expenditures and review if on course or if amendments are necessary.

No amendments needed at this time. 

Most of the money goes toward the aides that help with reading, tier 2. Our budget will pay our aides thru May 19th. 

  • Review school data 

Our school looks at both benchmark achievement data and growth data for each student.  Our goal is written focused on the growth model:  80% of our students will demonstrate typical to above typical growth according to Acadience Pathways of progress by May 2022. 


Winter Growth data= 68% of students have shown typical to above typical growth.  We are focused on increasing by 12% by May 2022.

  • Other: 1) cell tower update

Cell tower installation process has been approved.

Our SCC board started this discussion and decision making process 2 years ago when Mrs. Reynolds was principal. 

The old tower in front of our building will be removed.  

The new 5G tower will be located behind the building. 

The new tower will look like a tree! 

City has also asked for 10-12  trees to be planted by the tower.  Great news, more shade! 

Brick unit will be built around the new cell tower for safety that does not allow students to enter. 


-Proximity to school is concerning.  The new tower will be further away than the current cell tower. 

-Concerns about radiation.  There was a lengthy process to vett the installation of the new tower. 

           2) schedule change discussion

There is a current proposal being discussed at the school board level to change to a universal late start or early release schedule.  The  reason is for improved IPLC for all schools, specifically at the high school level.Staggered start times will still be a part of the proposed solutions to accommodate the buses.


Draper Park schedule is not connected to the universal short day schedule.  Board is looking at moving the start times for middle schools therefore, they’d like input from the elementary schools that will be impacted from this schedule change.  

Discussion: How can we weigh in on these decisions being made that impact so many schools and families?  These changes affect more than just students- businesses, sports, family work schedules, etc.  Starting after 9:00am is really difficult for so many.  

Amanda Oaks will see about how the information is being disseminated to the public about these schedule changes.  Principal Schino will communicate with staff and community as information is shared.

  • Adjourn until next month’s meeting May 9, 2022

             Meeting adjourned at 4:58pm