12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

Attendance Policy

Daily Attendance

Regular attendance is expected of all students and is a necessary factor in achieving success. 

  • Contact the office if your child will be absent (801) 826-9475.
  • Please minimize early check outs.
  • If your child will be out two or more days, contact the teacher for make-up work.

Absences may be excused for: 

  • Medical appointment with physicians note upon return to school
  • Parent contact verifying illness or family emergency
  • Court appearances with documentation
  • Bereavement
  • Special family or religious events
  • Pre-approved Educational Leave, up to (10) days of school. 
    • Educational leave form must be submitted 5-10 school days prior to absences and Student assignments must be completed upon return to school. Forms are available in the office.

All other absences will be marked as unexcused and will impact student citizenship grades

We recommend that medical and dental appointments are made prior to or after school. However, we recognize that some circumstances do not make this possible.

Excessive Absences

For Complete Policy Refer to Canyons School District Board Policy 500.35

Excessive absence from school is defined as five or more unexcused absences and seven or more excused absences. Absences do not need to be consecutive for them to be deemed excessive. Agreement to Compulsory Education Letter was part of Online Registration.

  • Following 5 unexcused absences parents will be notified by the school to discuss the importance of attendance and to provide support to increase student attendance.
  • Following 6-8 unexcused absences, parents will receive Attendance Notification Letter #1. An attendance meeting is scheduled to develop a plan focused on student attendance improvement.
  • Following 9-11 unexcused absences parents will receive Attendance Notification Letter #2
  • Following 12 unexcused absences parents will receive Attendance Notification Letter #3 and an attendance referral is made to the Canyons District Truancy Specialist who will contact the parent/guardian for truancy intervention and mediation. Should mediation be insufficient to resolve the issue, the family may be referred to court
  • Following 15 unexcused absences parents will receive a Compulsory Education Pre-Court Violation Notification. The student and parents shall be required to attend the pre-court hearing date and time noted on the violation notification letter.
If interventions and support do not improve student attendance parents will receive a final Compulsory Education Habitual Absenteeism Violation Notification notifying parents that their student is habitually truant and they are being referred to the District Attorney’s Office.




Promptness is crucial to a smooth start of each school day. When students are tardy it is not only disruptive to that student but also to the teachers’ instruction and the other students’ learning time. Tardiness may only be excused in the office by parent or medical note with a valid excuse.

Three tardies can count as one absence. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to class the tardy should be marked as “W” and this is counted as an unexcused absence. *Inclement weather will always be considered. Please drive safely.

A student is considered tardy when the school bell rings at 8:50 AM. Students will check in at the office when late.

  • Following 5 unexcused tardies, the teacher contacts the student’s parent.
  • Following 9-17 unexcused tardies, the school contacts the student’s parent
  • Following 18-24 unexcused tardies, an administrator sends Notification Letter #1
  • Following 25-33 unexcused tardies an administrator sends Notification Letter #2 and schedules a meeting to develop a plan to improve student’s attendance.
  • Following 36 unexcused tardies, Notification Letter #3 is sent and an attendance referral is made to the Canyons District Civil Rights Specialist who will contact the parent/guardian for truancy intervention and send a Habitual Truant Citation.

Checking Out of School

Students leaving prior to the end of the school day must be signed out at the office by an authorized individual. Students may only be checked out to parents and emergency contacts. 

Once the student is signed out, the office will call the student to the office.