Hello Sprucewood Parents,
Welcome back and welcome to our new students. It is time for another fun-filled school year!
Back To School Night:
- We begin on August 17th with Back to School Night. This event is an open house between 5-7 p.m. and is a fun way for your students to see their classroom for the first time. This night is about saying hello to your new teacher, seeing the classroom and helping students feel comfortable and get excited for school to start. If you have specific information about your child for the teacher, please make sure you set a time to speak to them privately.
- We will have food trucks available 5-7pm in the west parking lot nearest 1000 E for anyone who wants to purchase dinner and/or dessert. Tables will be available in our cafeteria for families to sit down and enjoy their food.
- Please plan to attend a short presentation in the gym with me while you are at Back to School Night. I will be doing a short presentation including important safety, communication, and attendance information that all families will want to know to be prepared for the new school year. I will do the same presentation several times throughout the night, so come in when you can. Presentations will begin at 5:30 5:50, 6:10 & 6:30pm.
First Day of School 1st- 5th Grade:
The first day of school for grades 1-5 is August 21st. Plan to join us for our red carpet event. Students should arrive to school by 8:45am. Line up on the blacktop areas nearest to your grade level doors where teachers will be holding up signs for quick recognition. Parents will line up on either side of the red carpet near the front doors to celebrate as students enter.
First Day of School Kindergarten:
Kindergarten testing (KEEP) will be held August 21st-23rd by appointment. Kindergarten begins on August 24th. Plan to join us for our woo-hoo and boo-hoo event sponsored by PTA. Students will line up on their dots near the bike rack by 8:45am. Parents will line up on either side of the red carpet just outside of the Kindergarten doors to celebrate as students enter. Then stay and enjoy snacks with PTA.
See you soon,
Principal Schino