Hello Sprucewood families,
Parent teacher conferences are fast approaching. They will be held on Monday, September 23 and Wednesday, September 25. Thursday, September 26 will be an early out with dismissal at 1:45. There is NO school on Friday, September 27. We look forward to seeing all of you in the building next week. If you have not signed up for a time slot yet, please contact your child’s teacher for an available time.
During parent teacher conferences, there will be three different opportunities for you to take part in.
1) Boo to the Flu – Get vaccinated against the flu during parent teacher conferences. Reduced and no-cost flu vaccines will be available to individuals and families who are uninsured and unable to pay. They are also able to bill many insurances. See the attached flier for more information.
2) Instrument Petting Zoo – the instrument petting zoo will be held in the music room (Kiva). Students may bring a grownup with them to “pet” all of the instruments on display. We hope you’ll stop by before or after your conference.
3) The Book Fair – the book fair will be held in the GYM this conference. It will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before school from 8:15-8:45 for students with money and Monday evening and Wednesday evening from 4:00 – 7:30 PM. Stop by before or after your conference to get a book, poster, or trinket.
The Sprucewood PTA needs YOUR help to make the book fair a success. Here is the sign up sheet with the hour shifts before and after school. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E084DA5A72FA2FD0-51507671-fall
Please remember if you sign up to help manage the registers, you will need to also be a PTA member since we are handling money transactions. Thanks in advance for your help!