12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

Sprucewood Fun Run

Subject: “Falcon Fun Run | Register today!”

Sprucewood School families!

Our Falcon Fun Run fundraiser is kicking off soon! Lookout for more information next week. For now, mark your calendars with these key dates!


●  Falcon Fun Run Kickoff – 11/06/2023

●  Fun Run – 11/17/2023

⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM  ⭐

Once you’re registered, you have access to all of the fun sharing & donation features to help us raise funds. Features like:

⭐️ The Student Star Video featuring YouTube Trickshot Stars, Dude Perfect!

💬 Easy Email and Texting

Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!

Sprucewood PTA