12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

PTA Board Nominations

2021-2022 Sprucewood PTA Board Nominations

Have you ever wondered how people are chosen to be on Sprucewood’s PTA Board?

  • Each year, a nominating committee is formed with a combination of current PTA members from different neighborhoods.
  • This committee meets and reviews the nominations received, and then nominates those PTA members to fill the needed board positions. The committee or Principal talks to the nominated PTA members, lets them know the responsibilities, and asks them if they would be willing to accept that role.  No board appointments are made without consent.
  • The newly nominated PTA board members are officially voted in at a PTA monthly meeting.
  • The committee members cannot nominate themselves to be on the board, so there is no bias.

As a PTA member, YOU have the opportunity to NOMINATE YOURSELF or OTHERS for these positions. This year, we especially need your help.  Since we haven’t been in the school this year we don’t know our volunteers as much.  We have many vacancies to fill.  Please help us fill our PTA.

Our board is only as strong as its members, so please consider those you know and nominate who you think would be an asset on our board!  If you want to volunteer, nominate yourself!  We have such a supportive and talented community; Sprucewood is lucky to have you!

Please email your Nomination Form to your child’s teacher or the front office at rae.henline@canyonsdistrict.org by Friday, January 28, 2021.  You may also return this nomination form to school.  All nominations will be submitted to the nominating committee.

We truly appreciate your help in this process!

Malece Marston

Sprucewood Elementary

PTA President


Local PTA Form for Recommending Nominees for Positions at Sprucewood Elementary PTA

Name of Suggested Nominee: ____________________________________________________________

For the office or position of ______________________________________________________________