12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

Message from Principal Schino- May 9, 2022

Dear Sprucewood Families,

It’s time to start the process of making our class lists for next year!  Links to two electronic forms are at the end of this email that will assist us in the placement process.  

Form 1) Every family is asked to complete the first form telling us if your student/s will return to Sprucewood next year or if you are moving schools.  Knowing this information will help us create the most balanced classrooms.  Please complete this form by Friday, May 13th at 3:00pm.  

Form 2) The second form is optional.  It is our Learning Environment Request form.  To be considered, Learning Environment Requests must be made by May 13th at 3:00pm.  Please note that filling out this form does not guarantee a specific placement.  All information will be considered during our placement process.  

We have several changes in our teaching staff next year.  

  • Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Allan are retiring!  We wish them the best as they enter this exciting new chapter.  
  • Mrs. Willie is moving out of state to be closer to family.  This is exciting for her daughters as they will grow up near cousins and grandparents!
  • Mrs. Vanderwerff is staying home with her own young children.  She is so lucky to be able to spend more time with them as they grow!
  • Mrs. Barbano is transferring to Murray School District.  She is looking forward to working part-time at a school closer to home!
  • Mr. Folau has been hired as an assistant principal in Park City School District.  He is looking forward to working with Jr High students!


Our grade level teams for next year are:

  • AM & PM half day Kindergarten- Mrs. McDaniel
  • Full Day Supplemental Kindergarten- Mrs. Rodriguez
  • 1st Grade- Mrs. Krystof & Mrs. Myrberg
  • 2nd Grade- Mrs. Lo & Ms. Saltzsieder
  • 3rd Grade- Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Markle & Mrs. Sjogren
  • 4th Grade- Mrs. Broderick, Mrs. Turner & Mrs. Wilbur
  • 5th Grade- Mrs. Baur & New Hire (we are in the interviewing process currently)


Form 1) Is Your Student Returning To Sprucewood?


Form 2)  Learning Environment Request Form Link


Please contact me with any questions (cathleen.schino@canyonsdistrict.org). 

Principal Schino