12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

Message from Principal Schino – May 1, 2023

Hello Sprucewood Families,

Educator Appreciation Week: PTA is sponsoring a Monster’s Inc. themed celebration this week for Sprucewood educators! Our school is bursting with happy decorations that let our hard-working educators know they are supported and appreciated. A huge shout out to all students and families who are sharing positive messages with our educators this week. Thank you.

Arts Night Tuesday, May 16th 6:00-8:00pm: Mark your calendars! Sprucewood is opening our doors to the entire community to celebrate the arts. Our orchestra will perform at 6:00pm and our choir will perform the musical “Joust” at 7:00pm in the gymnasium. Amazing artwork and writing will be displayed throughout the hallways for all to enjoy “open house” style from 6-8pm. Please join us. There will also be a BOGO book fair from 5:45-8:00 in the KIVA!

Parking Lot Safety: Sprucewood’s School Community Council (SCC) identified parking lot safety as the number one safety concern this school year. Thank you for listening to my safety reminders each month! A hardcopy of our drop off/pick up options will be sent home with all students Tuesday, May 2nd to complete the SCC’s safety plan action steps.

May’s Calendar Events: Please visit our school website at sprucewood.canyonsdistrict.org if you want to know upcoming school-wide events scheduled this month. May is our final month of school and we have several special events communicated on our school calendar (state testing, Arts Night, Kindergarten graduation, field day, water day, movie day and a dance celebration). Specific grade level events will be communicated by classroom teachers.
Thank you for supporting Sprucewood educators and students.

Go Falcons!

Principal Schino