Mrs. Karrie Wilbur- 5th Grade Teacher
We claim to be a yours, ours, and somebody else’s family. We have 13 kids who have added 10 more kids through marriage, 25 grandchildren with one on the way, and 6 great grandchildren.
I have an Associate from UVU, a Bachelor’s from Weber State, and a Master in Diversity in Education from University of Phoenix and another Masters in Educational Leadership from BYU. I also have an endorsement from University of Utah. My favorite subjects in school were music and science.
In my free time, I like to build or create things.
We have a half shitzu half schnauzer dog.
I like to go on vacations to California where we have a condo, Boston where we have family, Rapid City where we also have family, Florida – family and Universal Studios are there, and Germany where we also have family.