12025 S. 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

3 Announcements

Hello Sprucewood Families,

3 announcements today…

1) We need subs!  Do you or anyone you know want to help our school on days when multiple teachers have state trainings?  If so, please call Rae Henline at 801-826-9475.

2) Thank you for demonstrating patience and kindness during our pick-up and drop off times.  I am so grateful to our adults for modeling positive behaviors in front of our students while on school property.

  • Please remember that all dogs must be on a leash.  If you do bring your dog on a leash for pick-up and drop off, please remember that we do have students who are afraid of dogs.  Thank you for waiting in areas that are not high traffic and definitely not in front of the doors students are exiting.

3)  Our students have earned just over 20,000 positive Care Cards!  Way to go Falcons!  We are having a whole school Hat Day as a reward this Thursday, September 23rd. Wear your best hat.  Please remember that Thursday is an early out day due to conferences.

Looking forward to seeing you at conferences this week.

Principal Schino