1. SCC ballots are coming home on bright green paper with students today. Please mark your 4 votes and return to the ballot box outside of the office by Friday, September 1st.
2. A message from our crossing guards:
As the school year begins in Sandy, we need to be reminded of basic rules regarding school crosswalks. Here are some reminders that need to be addressed:
*A driver must stop at a school crosswalk if the crossing guard and/or child is still in the crosswalk. The driver must wait till their feet reaches the curb and the crosswalk is clear of any person. There have been issues as crossing guards are setting up and putting their cones in the street, cars drive by them while they are still in the street. The driver can get a ticket for this.
The Traffic Law states, “The operator of a vehicle approaching a school crosswalk shall come to a complete stop at the school crosswalk if the crosswalk is occupied by ANY person.” (Sandy Traffic Code 165)
a. If an intersection with a traffic light is also a school crosswalk, the intersection is first and foremost a school crosswalk. This means that the operator of a vehicle will stay at a complete stop until every person in the crosswalk has stepped onto the curb and out of the street, even though the traffic light may have turned green.
b. There have been several incidents of drivers speeding through 20 mph school speed zones. When school speed limit signs are flashing, your speed should be 20 mph. You can get a ticket for going over 20 mph. Proceed slowly with caution and be prepared to stop. Parents, teach your teenage drivers to drive cautiously at school crosswalks.
c. A big distraction of drivers not paying attention as they approach school crosswalks is “cell phones.” Many drivers are talking on their cell phones and not paying attention to children, crossing guards or what is going on around them. Children’s lives are at risk. Please be attentive and put your cell phone away while driving in school zone. Children are unpredictable and you need to be focused on the school and the crosswalk.
d. Parents, please do not stop in the middle of the road in front of a school crosswalk and let your children out of the car. You must drive to a designated drop off area or pull off to a safe area. Children learn from their parents. Please be a good and safe role model.
e. Any person using a school crosswalk, whether it is school children or adults, controlled by a school crossing guard, must obey the rules of the crossing guard. Any person using a school crosswalk, child or adult, should wait for the signal from the crossing guard that it is safe before they are to step off the curb into the street to cross. It is a rule that children must “walk” their bikes or scooters across the crosswalk. Parents should support the crossing guards and teach their children to obey the crossing guard. The crossing guard and these rules are there for the safety of your children.
A new school year has begun. We, as drivers, parents, and children, need to be reminded of these basic rules at all School Crosswalks. Please show respect to the crossing guards. They are there to keep YOUR children safe.
3. Drop Off and Pick Up Options:
Drop Off/Pick Up Safety Expectations
1. Car Line
*this option is only for students who can quickly enter and exit the car without assistance
- Follow directions from adults on duty
- Parents always stay in the car
- Pull up as far as you can
- Students always enter and exit the car using the door closest to the building
- Students cross at white crosswalk near bike rack following safety patrol directions
2. East Parking Lot
- Parents must escort students while in the parking lot
3. Cedar Ridge & Hidden Valley Dr
- Follow the “No Parking” signs
- Students must cross at white crosswalk following Crossing Guard directions