12025 South 1000 East, Sandy, Utah 84094

Change of Learning Options: Window open November 1-8

Hello Sprucewood Families,

 As promised, with the end of the grading period, we are providing you the opportunity to switch learning options. Families wanting to move from online learning options to in-person instruction, or vice versa, can submit a change-request any time between Sunday, Nov. 1 through midnight on Sunday, Nov. 8. No action is required of families who wish to stick with their chosen path!

The choices parents make during this window will guide the complicated process of shifting teaching assignments and allocating classroom resources. For this reason, we cannot accept late requests. 

The change will take effect with the start of the second term on Nov. 23 and carry through to the end of the term on March 5 when families will be given another chance to choose the learning mode that fits their educational needs and health considerations.

Change requests must be submitted using the same Skyward Family Access portal you used to register for school at the beginning of the year. Simply log in to Skyward, click on the “online forms” button, select “Term 2 Change-Request Form,” and follow the prompts. Watch this tutorial to help you submit your request, or call the front office for assistance.

Stay Well,

Principal Schino